Definder - what does the word mean?

What is TFDs?

That's For Damn Sure

(on instant messenger)

the house was all boarded up and dark; Kevin said let's go in, I said hell no i'm not going in there TFDS

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TFDs - meme gif

TFDs meme gif

TFDs - video


TFDs - what is it?

Thats Fucking Dumb

Keek: "I don't dress up for Halloween"
D's nuts: "How do you not dress up for Halloween? TFD!!!"

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What does "TFDs" mean?

too fucking drunk

I am tfd right now; I can't deal with you.

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TFDs - what does it mean?

Too Fucking Difficult.

This is quickly falling into the TFD category

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TFDs - meaning

ACRONYM for Total Fucking Disaster.

Toooie: "Hey, Tony, how'd ya do on the math final?"
Tony: "TFD, man, T.F.D. I'm gonna flunk."

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TFDs - definition

TFD is an abbreviation for Trolling for Dick

'Trolling for Dick' is a joke/insulting reference to the popular website Chatroulette that pairs random strangers for webcam-based conversations.

Due to the odd anonymous exhibitionist nature of many males who use this site, one who visits Chatroulette are quickly introduced to penis. No matter how many times one clicks 'Next' the penis lies in wait, in various shapes, sizes, and colors being stroked, slapped, choked, petted, or merely just hanging out.

This overabundance of penis on Chatroulette is commonly referred to as 'Trolling for Dick' as you can never truly be free of the penis of a random stranger via Chatroulette's easily (and unfortunately) turned on webcam user base.

"Dude stop with the TFD."

"The girl is seriously TFD."

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TFDs - slang

An acronym, T.F.D. is short for "TOTAL FUCKING DUMBASS"

Call out the people in your life for making dumb choices before they wreck it all.

"My best friend told me he wanted to get back with his ex. "We have had a lot of talks. We are different people now. Much better than who we were. People grow. People change. I handled things in unhealthy ways. He handled things in unhealthy ways. Both drinking and violence. We were unhealthy and needed to work on ourselves..." He really thinks abusers change. What a TFD"

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An acronym used by alt-right members online meaning β€œTotal Faggot Death”. Faggot is often interchanged with other slurs/ minority groups. On social media, it is common to find similar phrases spoken as β€œTotally fine/nice day”, for users to avoid being banned.


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The fucking day; to imply an occurrence or event is highly unlikely

Stacy: "I'm gonna drain this 3"
Joe: "TFD you make a shot, Stacy!"

"Let's go to McDonald's"

TFD I get McDonald's over In 'n Out

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TFD is an abbreviation for The Fucking Day. It is a logical extension of an age old saying with tge following format: The day x happens is the day y happens.
Highly applicable to countless scenarios, TFD can be used in abbreviated or elongated form. In the presence of a learned audience, it can be used as a standalone term or in the following format: TFD x happens is the day y happens.
Most fundamentally, TFD is used to draw attention to the extreme unlikelihood of the occurrence of an aforementioned event.

Example 1:

Friend 1: James Harden deserved to be named MVP over Stephen Curry
Friend 2: TFD, buddy! Curry was on another level this season!

Example 2:
Girl 1: He was trying sooo hard to hook up with you last night.
Girl 2: TFD I hook up with him! I wouldn't touch him with a ten foot pole.

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