Definder - what does the word mean?

What is TENZIN?

Tenzin is stunningly beautiful. She is liked by lots of people and is very social. Tenzin also has a heart of gold. Tenzin is the kind of person you want to have by your side in life. She is also very kind and compassionate inside and out.

I once had 4 attending Tenzins at my high school. 3 were girls and the other one was a boy. The 3 girls were AMAZINGLY BEAUTIFUL. Each one had a handsome football player as their bf. The guy had a gf named Alison. Alison was the most POPULAR girl in the junior year. Overall, All Tenzins were popular, sexy and kind.

Boy 1: Hey! Isn't that Tenzin?
Boy 2: Yep. I hear she has a heart of gold..
Boy 1: Dibs *runs after Tenzin*

👍39 👎13

TENZIN - meme gif

TENZIN meme gif

TENZIN - video


TENZIN - what is it?

Tenzin is amazingly beautiful. Her eyes might be a dark brown even thought it might be mistaken for black. Tenzin is kind and compassionate inside and out and is the perfect partner in life. She is also very funny and she is someone you can trust. She always has many friends around her, school or not. Tenzin is liked by lots of people and has a heart of gold.

(Tenzin could also be a boy but most know as a girl)

Boy 1: "Her name is Tenzin right?"
Boy 2: "Yep. I heard she has a heart of gold and is kind inside and out."

👍69 👎25

What does "TENZIN" mean?

An absolutetly gorgeous person. Someone who is so amazingly beautiful its almost physically impossible. Its sickening for her own good.

jeez that Tenzin makes me sick!

dude1:DADA...DAMN... check her out...
dude 2: eh.. must be a TENZIN
dude3: damn straight!
dude1: I need to use the restroom.

wow..what a sight...I feel ill, must be the TENZIN effect.

👍581 👎219

TENZIN - what does it mean?

Crazy, Cool, Or Insane

Holy Tenzin!! That Kid is sexii

👍293 👎103

TENZIN - meaning

the coolest most sexiest and smart person u will ever meet not all of them are good tho

oh look its tenzin bow down

👍27 👎11

TENZIN - definition

someone who honestly doesn't give a damn.

tenzin: *pours Pepsi into glass*
person: what are you doing?
tenzin: Pepsi bottle, Coca Cola glass; I don't give a damn.

👍55 👎15

TENZIN - slang

A popular girl who went to my school. Beautiful beyond words, incredibly kind and nice. Selfless and super hot, she's a great listener and My wife.

Guy 1: Damn that chick is hot

Guy 2: Looks like a TENZIN bro
Guy 3: That's my wife

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Very popular To Tibetan name. Both males and females have the name.

Tenzin is hot. She look beautiful in her chupa.😍

👍81 👎17


Fairly common Tibetan name.
Original name is given to the Dalai Lama.
The current Dalai Lama is named Tenzin Gyatso.
So all the young generation of Tibetans share the same First name "Tenzin" regardless of whether you are male or female.
So you don't call a Tibetan by their first name but by their last

A: Hey Tenzin!
Tenzin Dolma: Don't call me Tenzin... call me Dolma.

👍317 👎49


Lot of tibetan people have Tenzin as their first name, it's a name given by His Holiness The 14th Dalai lama. It is not a family name. Therefore all the TENZINs' are not related.

The name Tenzin is considered as blessed from His Holiness The 14th Dalai lama, because that's his middle name.

Tenzin dolma, Tenzin Tsering, Tenzin dolkar, Tenzin pema etc.

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