Definder - what does the word mean?

What is pema?

Pema is a Tibet name Found to be a wonderful sporty girl who loves her friends, she is a thoughtful nice girl who is mindful to be nice all the time. Pema’s who like boys stick with them. Likely names for such is Joshua. And all the J’s. Danm I love a pema

“Love a Pema!”

I want a Pema !!”

Danm Joshua’s lucky”

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pema - meme gif

pema meme gif

pema - video


Pema - what is it?

When you show up to a dance rehearsal not knowing shit but at filming you impress everyone and kill it.

Damn , she really showed up or knowing anything.

Nah don’t worry , she’s just pulling a Pema, don’t know shit at rehearsals but kills it at filming.

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What does "pema" mean?

To be friendzoned beyond belief.

Man I feel bad for Sid, he got pemad.

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Pema - what does it mean?

He is a kind and a warm hearted guy. He doesn’t like to talk much, he never cares what’s going on around, he loves sleeping, this guy really don’t like people who gossip about others and as he doesn’t like to talk much he might try to avoid questions, he remembers so many things that other people forget so he might sound weird sometimes, a warning he is not good at explaining things and he prefers quite surrounding.

Pema loves sleeping.

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Pema - meaning

Pema is the name of an amazing girl that you go to school with. She is beautiful, but a bit confused in life, so make sure to give her a hug, but not physically because she usually doesn't like it when people randomly touch her. If you would like to be friends with Pema, make sure to talk to her about interesting things and be nice to her, but not too nice or she'll think you're being fake nice and only want something from her. Pema is a girl who likes animal crossing, funky socks, and sometimes even rap music :0

"whoah who's the new girl with the blue backpack?"
"oh, that's pema. isn't she so amazing, awesome, and beautiful?"

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Pema - definition

Did you know that she shaved her eyebrows off in elementary school and tried to make new ones out of brown construction paper? Yeah...

Person 1: Omg is that the girl that made an eyebrow out of paper? What's her name?
Person 2: oh thats Pema

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Pema - slang

Pema is someone you can always rely on. Wether it’s laughing at the worst jokes you can find, introducing you to great new books, or being your friend, she’s a person you’re lucky to know. She is of course a great person to be around, and will never tire of the mort joke, and will laugh every time I tell it. Shes also very pretty, kind, witty and smart. She should know that people care about her, and that she is wonderful, amazing, and one of the best friends I have.

Pema loves the mort joke.

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An extremely attractive girl of Tibetan descent. Known for her exceptional ability to make friends with anybody. Always the life of the party, and the center of attention. She remembers so many things that other people forget, and can always be called upon to bring up a funny memory. Fantastic dresser, and very good at makeup application. Marvelous in the sack, and desired by many. Has been known to cause conflict between even the best of friends, because they fight over her.She is always sparking jealousy in other girls, and consistently shocks the hell out of her best friend because of her remarkable antics. There is nothing this girl can't do, and she will go very far in life.

I love Pema so damn much!

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