Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Snooky's?

(n) A stumpy and incredibly wide piece of orange colored feces, with one end tapered off to form a small round nodule.

I just defecated and when I looked down I thought I was watching Jersey Shore on that television network that used to play music videos, because my excrement looked like Snooki.

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Snooky's - meme gif

Snooky's meme gif

Snooky's - video


Snooky's - what is it?

a genital wart; a venereal wart

He tried convincing himself that the lumps on his penis were the result of chronic masturbation, but it was no use--he knew deep inside that they were in fact snookies, contracted from the vile prostitute he'd had sex with two months before.

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What does "Snooky's" mean?

The result of an oompa loompa fucking a troll doll, to create a weird troll like creature that wants "smush smush" Known for being easier than a sex doll and for violating Eric Cartman.

Snooki want smush smush!

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Snooky's - what does it mean?

to exact revenge upon a man by giving him one’s own sexually-transmitted disease

β€œThe only thing I can think of to explain why she wants to have sex with you is to snookie you,” his best friend speculated, β€œfor she’s still mad-as-hell that you dumped her two years ago, and it’s common knowledge that she’s now teeming with STDs.”

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Snooky's - meaning

To punch an undesirable New Jersey guidette in the face.

While on the Jersey Shore a roid raged tool bag snookied this muffin topped tramp.

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Snooky's - definition

Snookie \Snuh key/, noun- A white trash dwarf that has gotten skin cancer through over use of tanning beds, has replaced her nails with actual glass and speaks in broken in English and is a festering cesspool of STDS. Also a Snookie cannot go a day without getting knocked out. You may encounter a wild snookie in dumbfuckistan(new jersey) during the summer time

"The children were frightened as a Snookie approached them asking for beer money"

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Snooky's - slang

Getting punched in the face for talking shit!

guy/girl says: You fuckin suck!!
Witness says: Damn!!!!!!! that guy/girl just got snookied!!!

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v. (trans) 1. to be punched in the face.

"Did you see that guy on 'Jersey Shore'; he totally snookied that bitch?"

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n: extra large oompa-loompa that's easier to get on than facebook

Tom: You hear about Megan
Jim: Yeah, she went to the bar and got seven guys
Tom: What a Snooki

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4'9" umpalumpa on Jersey Shore best known for being punched in the face.

Snookie is so short she often requires a boost to get her heels on.

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