Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Smack On?


Also known as Dragon, Dope, Heron, Herone, Hero, Hera, H, Big H, White, China White, White Nurse, White Lady, White Horse, White Girl, White Boy, White Stuff, Boy, He, Black, Black Tar, Black Pearl, Black Stuff, Black Eagle, Brown, Brown Crystal, Brown Sugar, Brown Tape, Brown Rhine, Chiba, Chiva, Chieva, Mexican Brown, Mexican Mud, Mexican Horse, Junk, Tar, Snow, Snowball, Scag, Scat, Sack, Skunk, Number 3, Number 4, Number 8, Bombita, Brea, Blanco, Bonita, Caballo, Calbo, Carga, Carne, Chapopote, Chatarra, Chicle, Cocofan, Gato, Heroina, La Buena, La Chiva, Polvo, Tecata, Tigre, Tigre Blanco, Tigre del Norte, Vidrio and Zoquete.

Snuffaluffagus: "I'm sick, Bird. I need some smack, Bird."

- Dave Chappelle

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Smack On - video


Smack On - what is it?

under the influence of maurijuana

Dog, I got so smacked last night!

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What does "Smack On" mean?

When food is really good and you smack or same as asking is it good.

(Friend smacking while eating )
Me: damn girl, is it smackin'

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Smack On - what does it mean?

Really good

Damn those Doritos are smack

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Smack On - meaning

usually used while eating some good ass food

this burger smacks

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Smack On - definition

To have sex from the back, hit it from behind, doggystyle. Doing this hard and fast so that it makes a smacking noise.

That girls hot, I want to smack that.

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Smack On - slang

Heroin. Most frequently used in the 60s.

When the smack begins to flow, I really don't care anymore...

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Smack On

The more updates name for "sandles" or " flip-flop".
Derrived from the sound the "shoe" makes when hitting your foot.

smack smacks

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Smack On

1) The sound a thumper makes when it busts off

2) A common adlib used by certain rappers from North Oakland (Lil Rue, HD, etc..)

"Every day it's like I got some new niggas to kill (SMACK SMACK)" - HD on Minister Of Defense / Extortion Muzik 2

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Smack On

Smack On means to propose a fight with someone. Generally in a joking manner but can definitely can be used very effectively in a real situation. Smack On is closely associated with the term "punch on".

Luke: "You suck apples"
Brad: "Smack on cunt"

Josh: "I fucked your ex on a trampoline!"
Ryan: "Smack on cunt!"

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