Definder - what does the word mean?

What is SWIVE?

When you have sexy activity and instead of cuddling after they leave.

He did the swive and swerve.

👍27 👎11

SWIVE - meme gif

SWIVE meme gif

SWIVE - video


SWIVE - what is it?

Swive: The best user on the website, ""

Observe the sexiness here: newgrounds.c o m/gold/profile/template.php3?id=608227

"He is so sexy."
"LOOK AT HIS 1273627637 INCH PEN0R~!!11oneone"

👍49 👎469

What does "SWIVE" mean?

to be sexually excited. if male you get a charlie, if female, you get a puddle.

two guys walk down a street and they see two dogs humping. one says to the other, "dude, that dog looks somewhat swived". the other says "Yes, one can tell he's loving it"

👍31 👎33

SWIVE - what does it mean?

Verb. Meaning to have sex or to procreate.
Old English term for fuck.

He's just a cranky old swive

👍71 👎89

SWIVE - meaning

1. (intransitive verb) to have sex; to procreate.

2. (transitive verb) to have sex with; to procreate with.

1. Justin and Julie are swiving in the car / Justin and Julie swive every Friday night.

2. Justin is swiving Julie in the car / Justin and Julie swive each other every Friday night.

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SWIVE - definition

getting so high you are in the matrix and dont know what the hell is happening.

im so fucking swively.

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SWIVE - slang

To have intercourse of making love.

"You and your wife have five kids. You must really enjoy

👍61 👎27


swive swav
vb. Archaic. to have sexual intercourse with (a person).
Old English swifan to revolve, {swivel} Source: The Collins English Dictionary © 1998 HarperCollins Publishers

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Swive is a contraction of 'Swim and Dive,' commonly used at high schools to shorten the team name 'Swim and Dive'

You should join swive, the team is full of wonderful people!

Did you hear that swive won the State meet?

👍201 👎39


someone who is missing some fucking chromosone, tell them to go fuck them selves

he is a swive

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