Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Rinne?

Rinne is the type of person who stays up all night to talk about your feelings. They will happily stay up all night and refuse to go to sleep on an argument. Dating a Rinne will be the best experience of your life, full of adrenaline and electricity literally as if it had been pulled out of a romantic movie, they will spoil you and constantly take you out on dates, Rinnes love to spoil other but also love to be appreciated back, they don’t do this for nothing, If a Rinne does this to you, You know they are the one!

Hanging out with a Rinne is like when you are on the hill of a rollercoaster about to go through a massive drop!

Person 1: did you have fun on your date?
Person 2: Oh yeah! He’s a Rinne, so.

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Rinne - meme gif

Rinne meme gif

Rinne - video


Rinne - what is it?

The sexual act of using your partners nose as butt plug then violently shitting in their mouth until they throw up and spread it all over their body

Yo I head dave pulled cole rinn last night

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What does "Rinne" mean?

It's when you do something very retarded and clown-like.

"That's a rinn moment. You did something retarded. :/

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Rinne - what does it mean?

from the very popular game ensemble stars, also my bf. (real) hes also fruity so! don’t play enstars!

i hate rinne amagi

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Rinne - meaning

Someone who is too good right now.

We can now say Pekka Rinne is truly too good right now.

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Rinne - definition

The Rinn Scale is a complex rating system that uses any number below 1.7. Anything over 1.7 is invalid due to the strict rules of the Rinn. The scale is primarily used to rate memes, but it can be used to rate anything one desires.

Real life usage of Rinn Scale

Friend: *Sends average meme*
My response: 1.138/1.7rinn

Friend: *breaks femur*
My response: 1.577/1.7rinn

Friend named Joey: Calls cashier a *****
My response:1.429/1.7rinn

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Rinne - slang

a women who likes rim jobs and is willing to do anything. Is also known as a group of people.

"look at those shit faced rinns."
"i'm going to get a rim job from rinn tonight."

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a really hot guy who i’m in love with and should definitely marry me :)

oh yea he’s a rinne,,, he’s really hot

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Somebody everyone goes to for help. A person that doesn't advertise his immense knowledge and superior skill but is inevitably discovered by others and ends up being the goto person for everyone that needs help.

Hey, go ask rinn what to do about your girlfriends issues.

Rinn came over and totally fixed my motorcycle for me, I would be lost without him.

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rinne is the guy of your dreams, he stays up late talking to you, making you laugh. he’s caring and considerate and makes you smile sm that your jaw hurts. you can rant to him whenever and he’s there for you and will always have your back.

when you think of the song yellow by coldplay you think of rinne

oh yea he’s a rinne,,, you know he’s hot

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