Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Qwert?

A severe computer nerd

The qwert spent 82 straight hours playing video games on his computer

👍33 👎59

Qwert - meme gif

Qwert meme gif

Qwert - video


Qwert - what is it?

When a girl cums

She qwerted while being fingering by her boyfriend.

👍37 👎67

What does "Qwert" mean?

noun, synonymous for hella fucking ballstothewall awesome

Dude, did you see Green Hornet yesterday?" "No, but I heard it was qwert

👍39 👎73

Qwert - what does it mean?


He is qwert.

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Qwert - meaning

Qwert is a substitution for the word fuck, or can be used to describe someone as a whore, so they are Qwerty, or are a Qwert. It has endless meanings and can be thrown into almost any sentence.

"Qwert off asshole."
"She really is a qwert isn't she..."
"Go qwert yourself."

👍73 👎131

Qwert - definition

Qwert derives from the top left corner of the keyboard, but really means 'like Nina.' Or, funky, funny, cool, dorky, weird, or just all over the place.

That new girl at school is sooooooo qwerty.

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Qwert - slang

A verb, used when a rather tragic female is dancing. It is a combination of the three words below:
1. Quiff- vagina fart
2. Twerk- Nasty butt shaking
3. Squirt- A cumming sensation females get when pleased

These all make up QWERT.

Girl 'qwert' that booty.

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A unit of distance between keys on a keyboard. Adjacent keys are one qwert apart.

Since F and L are five qwerts apart, nobody believed Rick's claim that his text was unintentional.

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To ejaculate. It is also the first 5 letters on the keybourd.

I'm so horny, I really need to Qwert!

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The act of cumming or the semen itself.

example 1.
Guy1. I'll hit you so hard you'll qwert your self!
guy2. Bring it on qwert monkey!
example 2.
Guy1. that dog's humping your leg
Guy2. Ughh, there's dog qwert on my leg!
Guy1. You fucking idiot

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