Definder - what does the word mean?


A statement made to show overt indifference

Child: "Mom, I got an 'A+' on my test!"
Disgusted Mother: "did ya? Well I'm very proud of you"

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PROUD OF YOU - video


PROUD OF YOU - what is it?

It is when you have something extraordinary.

"Hey Ubaid, jason is so proud of you

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What does "PROUD OF YOU" mean?

The one thing everyone wants their dad to tell them

"Jimmy, I'm proud of you"

👍47 👎13

PROUD OF YOU - what does it mean?

Quote said multiple times by Kim Taehyung / V from BTS when the group is in America. Seems that he's really proud of his members and says this on a very fluffy and cute way.

"I'm proud of you" said Taehyung while looking at Namjoon, he giggled not believing what this dork is doing.

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PROUD OF YOU - meaning

a sarcastic remark used when someone either a) attempts something and fails, or b) when someone accomplishes something relatively meaningless.

a) Person A: "I studied all night, but still failed the test."

Person B: "Proud of you."

b) Person A: "I found coal in minecraft!"

Person B: "Proud of you."

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PROUD OF YOU - definition

A phrase no Asian parent would dare to say

Person 1: I'm so proud of you, son.
Asian son: Impossible.

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PROUD OF YOU - slang

A complimentary phrase one might make to another person, accompanied by a 'pat' on the head, or a 'boop' with the finger on the nose, to distract the recipient from a booger being wiped on them.

Originally seen in Family Guy, episode: "Stewie Kills Lois."

Lawyer: Chris, have you ever seen your father do anything bad?

Chris: that you mention it...


Peter picks his nose. He tries to flick his booger off of his index finger. It won't budge.

Peter: Hey Meg..................Proud a you.

Peter strokes her head. The booger sticks.

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Where you mean something so much and just want the to know how much they work it is a short but very powerful meaning

I am proud of you

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