Definder - what does the word mean?

What is POTE?

Adjective describing something that is considered 'potent' or extremely cool.

'Dude this shit is pote'
'Have you heard that new Lupe Fiasco Album?, it's pote!'

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POTE - what is it?

Someone being cool, chill, or laid-back.

Dude, that guy is so pote.

I know, I wanna be like him.

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What does "POTE" mean?

French word for friend, buddy.

C'est mon meilleur pote! (He is my best buddy!)

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POTE - what does it mean?

a fijian slang meant for people who've made a fool of themselves or who are made a fool of.

"Dog is spelt c-a-t"


*gets slapped in public*

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POTE - meaning

shortened form of the word potey.
see also potes mcgoats

"this ganja is potes, dawg."

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POTE - definition

"Pote" is a slang term for port, which is used when talking about Newport cigarettes.

Yo, I got the potes on deck.

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POTE - slang

short for Newport(cigarrettes)

Newports were first shortened to Ports, then said with an accent sounding like "Pote"

Hey man, you gotta pote?

I just smoked my last pote, i gotta go down to the gas station and buy some more mayne...

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The act of delving ones face into another's bosom.

*At party*
Guy 1 :"Hey where the hell is Sam?"
Guy 2 :"I think he's off poting Nicole"

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Pooping Out The Evil. Pretty self explanatory.

Hey Bob, I'll be there in a minute. But first I need to POTE.

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noun,verb: Poh-tee. Acronym for Pass Out To Early.

Used in reference to someone that is being lame at a party.

His text read: Sex? I replied: Not drunk enough. He bought 4 more rounds and tantalized me with an offer of some delish pizza. This could have been the beginning of a beautiful relationship, but instead I went home and poted.

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