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What is October 11?

Fun fact: people born on this day have a 2/10 chance of being named with an ad to begin their name

October 11th is intact the 11th day of october

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October 11 - video

October 11 - what is it?

my friends birthday

"Hey leo happy birthday, epic october 11"

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What does "October 11" mean?

October 11 have a fun exiting time with your girlfriend or boyfriend, husband or wife.

hey baby it's October 11th!

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October 11 - what does it mean?

Kiss your girl day or kiss your mans day

On October 11th You go up to your bf or gf and just kiss them or someone you like or just anyone

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October 11 - meaning

National Coming Out Day! Don't out anyone and be safe!

Kyle: Yo, it's October 11
Jessica: Ok? And?

Kyle: It's National Coming Out Day! I'm gay!

Jessica: Cool! I'm bisexual!

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October 11 - definition

On October 11 you can slap anybody anywhere and they owe you money. Not a joke go and do it and you'le see.

Ay bro why you do that now I'm broke. Also (haha) that was kinda nice.
Me: It's October 11 what are you talking about.

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October 11 - slang

If you were born on October 11, you are the hottest person alive and if you were born in October or September you can qualify to also be one of the hottest people of all time.

Person 1: Wait you were born on October 11?
Person 2: Yeah why?
Person 1: You are so hot
Person 2: Wait when is your birthday?
Person 1: September 8
Person 2: You can qualify to be one of the hottest people of all time!
Person 1: Yay!!

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October 11

Food day! Bring your best friend food on this day to show how you appreciate them

She brought her food since it’s October 11th :)

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October 11

The day to celebrate everyone who’s single

October 11

Single day

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October 11

a day bosses were born on october 11. you're super unique so it's hard to fit you in a category. you put on a persona in front of others and hide your true self. stop doing that. you're the best. put yourself out there.

mvps were born on october 11.

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