Definder - what does the word mean?

What is November 13th?

The day a fucken idiot who is a communist is born.

"Oh god its November 13th watch out for Owen he's going to give you potatoes for dinner, that stupid communist fuck."

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November 13th - video

November 13th - what is it?

Look for the gummy bear album in stores in November 13. With lots of music, videos, and extras.

Person: โ€œChicken Wing๐ŸฅChicken Wing๐ŸฅHot dog๐ŸถAnd Bologne๐ŸChicken Wing๐ŸฅMacarone๐ŸœChillinโ€™๐Ÿ˜ŒWith My Homies.๐Ÿ‘ฏโ€ Other personโ€Yes, November 13thโ€

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What does "November 13th" mean?

National give a girl your hoodie day even if she already has some and even if you hate the girl.

Girl: can I have your hoodie

Boy:you already have one Abby

Girl: yeah but itโ€™s november 13th

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November 13th - what does it mean?

If your Born on november 13th then you are the best person ever! Pepole Born on november 13th are funny,loyal,Nice,cute and a little bit of a bad bitch !

He is so cool! He is the best person iโ€™ve ever met! His birthday must be on november 13th

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November 13th - meaning

November 13th is when the baddest of the bitches are born

Me: Hey its your birthday? Do you know what today is?
Aarya: YESSS November 13th is when the baddest of the bitches are born

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November 13th - definition

a bad bitch birthday๐Ÿคฉ๐Ÿคช๐Ÿคช

whatโ€™s the date? November 13th, why?

itโ€™s a bad bitches birthday!!

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November 13th - slang

A day when the fans of Youtube channel Unus Annus come together to honour their favourite channel.

Hey bro, is it November 13th?

you mean Unus Annus Day.

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November 13th

The glorious day when the gummy bear album was released to the public causing a world wide happiness

โ€œMake sure to buy the gummy bear album in stores November 13thโ€

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November 13th

The day in which the gummy bear album officially hits shelves everywhere in all stores where music albums are sold.

"Look for the Gummy Bear Album in stores on November 13th, with lots of music, video's and extras."

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November 13th

November 13th tell your crush u like them .

November 13th is wen u say to her crush
You:" hey Henry I like you"
Them" I like you to"

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