Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Nofs?

no offense (meant), to emphasize that a reply wasnΒ΄t meant to be offending. Used in forums, IRC, IM, IRL, ...

<Lyn>: hey what do you think bout Bob?
: heΒ΄s an asshole... sorry, nof, but i canΒ΄t get along with him.

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Nofs - meme gif

Nofs meme gif

Nofs - video


Nofs - what is it?

When someone overbuilds on you during a build a fight in fortnite

Nofarino was noffing me all build fight .. what a bot

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What does "Nofs" mean?

Not Official Friends.

The term you use for someone who you're close to, but not officially friends.

You typically make NOFs after Elementary School, due to the fact that it all of a sudden becomes weird to ask someone if they want to be friends usually after around the 4th grade.

NOFs are types of people who you would talk to on a daily basis, and hang out with.

Although, it's already presumed that you're friends due to the amount of social activity, it isn't official.

So you're either NOFs, close NOFs, or BNOFFs ( Best NOFs Forever )

In 1st grade, I made a lot of friends by asking. Although, it was fine until 4th grade. Then, around 7th grade, I made a lot NOFs, because we never officially said that we were friends.

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Nofs - what does it mean?

Not Office Friendly.

Used to describe material which is not usually acceptable material to be accesssed from your work PC. The sort of think you wouldn't want your boss to see

"Here is an email of that porn we were talking about - watch out though *NOF*"

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Nofs - meaning

Not Office Friendly

Pics / weblinks that are posted on message boards of an inappropriate-for-the-office nature. Usually refers to porn.

Warning: the following is absolutely NOF!

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Nofs - definition

Group of modern pirates(not the water pirates silly) that release music to be downloaded from file sharing websites. nofs stands for no file sharing and they do it to be comical.


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Nofs - slang

No File Sharing

Flo-Rida-Mail.On.Sunday-(2008)-NoFS Torrent Download

Typically used when downloading torrents.

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Non-Operating Fuck. Used in the United States Marine Corps by Motor T drivers to describe non-motor t Marines or boots attempting to drive vehicles they have no business driving.

Infantry Marine: "Hey I got the humvee stuck in a ditch again. I don't know what happened it just went off the road."
Motor T Marine: "You fucking NOF."

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The act of being utterly annihilated in any phsyical way; typically through long distance running

Runner 1: "I missed practice yesterday cus i'm a panzy, what did we do"

Runner 2: "Don't speak to me.... I'm to sore from getting Noffed.... Hard"

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Nofs is simply short for: "no fucking shit". Sometimes people fake a call frome a person called: "The Nofser" and hand over either their hand or any other object they are using as a fake phone, to a person making a fairly obvious statement.

person-1: I think your mother loves you.
person-2: Nofs.
person-1: I think your mother loves you.
person-2: Hold on for a second, I have to get this, yes *person-1* is here, it's for you.
person-1: Who is it?
person-2: It's the Nofser.

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