Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Niggerism?

Niggerism is the belief that all nigger believe the samething, that's why they are all scared of whips because they all believe that whips are evil

Idk what to put but chill Niggerism isnt real Issa joke

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Niggerism - meme gif

Niggerism meme gif

Niggerism - video


Niggerism - what is it?

The belief that only black people are discriminated or racism benefits only white people

Example 1:

Person 1: You can’t be racist to white people.
Person 2: That’s niggerism!
Person 1: What?
Person 2: Niggerism. The belief that you can’t discriminate against white people.

Example 2:

Person: You hate white people, but claim it’s not racist unless it’s whites hating blacks? Hmm sounds like Niggerism

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What does "Niggerism" mean?

Niggerism is the belief that all nigger believe the samething, that's why they are all scared of whips because they all believe that whips are evil

Oof idk Niggerism is.......idfk

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Niggerism - what does it mean?

A niggerism a situational term that is a phrase or action, when someone commits a selfish act or gesture, and (or) renigs on what they say and does not follow through after stating that they would complete what's asked.

after stating they would split the lottery tickets, he won 500 dollars on the ticket then as soon as he won said "nah I meant only on the tickets you bought, but I'll give you 50 bucks. Straight niggerism

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Niggerism - meaning

Taking care of ones needs at the cost others. Implying the thought that you're not responsible. The act of being a nigger. stealing; broke; borrowing; no returns; theft; car jacking; 5$ on it; Ignorance; etc.

Been to fifty keggers, never bought a cup... Niggerism

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Niggerism - definition


The aura of neing a nigger.

That black guy had a certain "niggerism" about him. He really was just a big 'ol nigger.

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Niggerism - slang

A quote of ebonics. In the english language, "black people" are too lazy to pronounce the whole word, so they "shorten" the word by only saying their form.

Nowdays, niggers are getting rich off of record deals & becoming famous, because they use "NIGGERISMS" in a song to make people laugh! (Na-ta-mean)(po')

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When minorities in your country produce large numbers of offspring and then exploit the amazing system of democracy to gain overwhelming amount of political power and elect politicians and push policies that are deemed as too progressive and even detrimental to the country.

The rise of niggerism in United States can be directly correlated with the increasing size of the latinx population in these lands.

Foreign governments are passing policies in our government that is damaging our country. Some scholars attribute this to the rise of niggerism.

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Niggerism is a term used for when football players get hyped up for no other reason than being black. These type of players are usually black, super fast, fresh fade, saucy drip and insane 5 star skill moves. They look like the best player in the world in these highlight skills and tricks youtube compilations. In reality they are shit, they do all those fancy things but they lead to nothing because they cant shoot or pass. They dont possess any Football IQ at all.

A person who supports these kind of players are called Niggerists

Some of the best examples of these players are:
Sergino Dest
Ousmane Dembele
Vinicius JR
Nelson Semedo
Anthony Martial
Adama Traore
Paul Pogba

Niggerism can also be implemented to other areas of the world. For example Barack Obama. Labelled as the best president simply because he is black when in reality he was by far the worst.

Dongo: Yo, check this highlight video of Dest. He looks insane.
BIGMF: Naah, did you see the game. All those stepovers only lead to him losing the ball just after the video is cut. He is shit. People hyping him up are pure niggerists.

Sanic: Yo, why is everyone hyping up Dembele?
BIGMF: Its pure niggerism mate.

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The act of acting like or being a nigger.

Fucking niggers and their niggerism.

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