Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Micky D’s?

Another way to say McDonald's

I am hungry lets go to Mickie D's (McDonald's)

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Micky D’s - video


Micky D’s - what is it?

Mcdonalds in other words

Dude lets go get some Micky D's

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What does "Micky D’s" mean?

Nickname for McDonald's, the world's largest fast food chain.

Let's hit up Mickie D's on the way home.

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Micky D’s - what does it mean?

A slang word for Macdonalds

(after looking at someone who's just been through a drivethrough)
Why is he driving from Micky D's?

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Micky D’s - meaning


Ayo bro you wanna run and get sum β€œMicky D’s”

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