Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Mell's?

a tall guy who knows everything except his name

hello what is your name
Melle: uuuh i dont know

👍133 👎109

Mell's - meme gif

Mell's meme gif

Mell's - video


Mell's - what is it?

See moolie (face definition), can also be used as adjective "mellinged", with numerous senses.

"If you pull a melling and the wind blows, you'll stay like that".

"Man you were hammered last night, you were absolutely mellinged. You were mellinging all over the place dude..."

👍53 👎27

What does "Mell's" mean?

usually referencing a goblin-like creature, short with green skin & usually weak

dude, did you see that mell on level 7?? they were short but i could barely get past

👍25 👎11

Mell's - what does it mean?

Obnoxiously asking for answers to questions that cannot be given as they are out of the group's control. Upon promptly being reminded of this fact, then doubling down on their question by obliviously reminding the group of how long of a drive they have, which is completely un-unique from a large portion of said group

Well there he goes melling again for the third time this morning ....

👍27 👎11

Mell's - meaning

originally a greek name;hott one; sexy girl
also lover of the famous;and pretty much all guys;cool person

"mommy, when I grow up I wanna be just like Mell"

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Mell's - definition

mell is the best person in the world, and the typ of person who is amazing

mell is amazing, and is th ecoolest person ever

👍237 👎149

Mell's - slang


1. fashionable and attractive object or person
2. popular expression for something that is very good
3. a new alternative word to cool or tight

Ex 1: "This party is very mell, man."
Ex 2: "That guy's car is fuckin mellll!"
Ex 3: "This test is not mell at all."

👍201 👎117


A very sweet girl who deserves a lot better

She has an very sarcastic type of humor (the good one)
She is someone you can trust everything with
She is overall an very good friend



👍25 👎11


1. Sexy ass bitch.
2. She doesn't get played, she shows guys she knows how to play the game.
3. She doesn't take shit from anyone.
4. A cute, short ran girl.
5. A party girl.
6. The MOST amazing person you will ever meet.

1. Damn that girl is a Mell!
2. Ryan: Yo Billy, the other night i fucked Mariah. Mell is so stupid for believing i love her. Billy: Man, its time you find out. She's Mell...We've been fucking for 3 years!
3. Dude did you hear that girl is so Mell! She fought 3 girls for looking at her man!
5. Wow she is such a Mell. She never leaves the club!
6. Mell is the MOST amazing person you will ever meet!

👍209 👎59


Short for "Mellow"

That song is way mell and trip-hoppy.

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