Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Margarine?

n. Slapper

"Cheap and easily spread."

Scott: "Hey Phil, have you seen the new girl Tracy?"
Phil: "Yeah Scott, but I hear she's got real margarine legs!"

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Margarine - meme gif

Margarine meme gif

Margarine - video


Margarine - what is it?

A sweaty drippage from between a females breast region dripping down to the vagina area. Forming a sticky substance and an odor compared to a dump truck.

My friend Dana came home from a sweet gym sesh, and seemed to brew up a bit of cat margarine.

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What does "Margarine" mean?

A face that is ugly due (at least in part) to the use of plasic surgery. Whether in an attempt to correct flaws or just to improve a decent face, sometimes the use of surgery causes recipient to have a Margarine face.

Person 1: Did you see what Kathy Griffin did to herself?

Person 2: I sure did. Before, she wasn't perfect or nothing, but now she's got a Margarine face.

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Margarine - what does it mean?

The blissful state of being happy and under the influence of marijuana. Words like these usually come out when you have no idea what you're thinking/saying/typing. Also known as the butterization of the soul.

'Ay fool, you okay?'

'Yeah.. I'm just kickin it, margarinized n all..'

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Margarine - meaning

An epic prank where one shows someone else some margarine.

Can be done with pictures online or in real life with real margarine.

Usually followed by the phrase "got u good fucker"

Wow I can't believe you just margarined me man! Too far!

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Margarine - definition

what wordkevin halfhill/word uses for lube while he is masturbating to gay porno

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Margarine - slang

A girl who spreads easy.

Dude, seriously, go out with that girl - MARGARINE!!

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the opposite of butter.
go look it up.

tamara is MARGARINEEEEE. she nastayyy like that cb!

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Choppy water. The opposite of butter. Not acceptable for wakeboarding.

We were going to wakeboard this morning but the water was like margarine so we just surfed instead.

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A horrible fake substance that is out to kill me.

Margarine is pure evil.

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