Definder - what does the word mean?

What is MONST?

A short girl with a nice body. The one that sits in the front of the room with the addicting laugh. She's the girl that you can talk about anything too, especially sports. A endearing term for friend.

Thanks, you're my best Monste.

👍35 👎19

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MONST meme gif

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MONST - what is it?

Really terrible looking fat chick. Rating is below a 2.0 on a 10 point scale. Prowls for highly intoxicated gentlemen at bar time whose vision and judgment is clearly impaired.

Wow, Z took a monst home from the bar last night, she was barely human.

👍53 👎25

What does "MONST" mean?

a very ripped man. as strong as a MONSTer.

that home dogg is a total MONST!

👍69 👎29