Definder - what does the word mean?

What is bar time?

on the last sunday in October, the clocks get rolled back, so on the saturday night before an extra hour can be gained before bars legally have to close. Often coincides with halloween weekend, and the added time makes it one of the greatest nights of the year to go bar hopping, the reverse happens in the spring, so just go to house parties, and at least then it's not around a huge party holiday

'We got proper fucked last night, cause we got to do the daylight savings time bar hopping, nothing beats the extra hour'

'yeah but you'll pay for it in the spring when it gets reversed'

'the spring? i'll fucking pay for it tommorrow'

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bar time - video


Bar time - what is it?

when your watching a movie on your laptop, with your boyfriend or girlfriend, on full screen, you press space bar to pause it to have sex.

Nick: Space bar time?
Nicolle: hell yea!

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What does "bar time" mean?

The guy at the bar you just can't help but make-out with while wasted, no matter how ugly he may be, because it seems like a good idea at the time.

"After six vodka cranberries Toothless Joe became my new bar-time boyfriend."

👍39 👎11

Bar time - what does it mean?

A clock that is set 15 minutes ahead. Typically done in bars so that they can ensure that no one is served after legal curfew.

The kids were always late for school until we set the kitchen clock to bar time.

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Bar time - meaning

1. The specified legal time at which a bar is no longer allowed to sell liquor, thus resulting in a particularly large group of intoxicated individuals exiting these establishments.

2. A period of time following 2:00am (in most states) when there is a statistical increase in accidents and traffic violations due to a mass exodus of drunk people from bars and pubs.

3. A particular place where such individuals tend to gather, before ultimately parting. It is usually characterized by a higher level of intoxication and a tendency toward brawling and debauchery (drunken seduction). For example, in Madison this is the corner of State and Johnson.

1. It's past two o'clock. Last call for alcohol was ten minutes ago, they're not going to serve you past bar time.

2. I'm hoping to get this rig through Brew-town before 2. I hate driving with all the crazies.

3. You don't want to walk through bar time by yourself - unless you want to get raped.

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Bar time - definition

The time at which the bars close. Often also the time when many after-hours establishments get their biggest rush.

Denny's is usually empty late at night - except after bar time!

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