Definder - what does the word mean?

What is MIKAN?

The cutest sweetest nurse in the world that deserves better

"Mikan Tsumiki best girl!" Or "Mikan Tsumiki world domination!"

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MIKAN - meme gif

MIKAN meme gif

MIKAN - video


MIKAN - what is it?

A cute nurse from danganronpa who hangs with her girlfriend named Ibuki

Fuck yeah Mikan tsumiki

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What does "MIKAN" mean?

The most cutest they/them I've met. They are the best ever. If heaven was a person, it would be them.

Mikan is so cute and adorable. I love them so much.

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MIKAN - what does it mean?

A term used mostly by foreigners in Japan to describe a woman's breasts.

Holy crap, look at the mikans on her!

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MIKAN - meaning

Mikan Tsumiki. A shy girl who participated in danganronpa 2. She was executed after killing hiyoko saionji and ibuki mioda. she's really underrated. who was really in love with despair all along.

"Who's your favorite danganronpa character?"
"I like mikan. she's really underrated."

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MIKAN - definition

The religion where we warship Mikan Tsumiki from super danganronpa 2, goodbye despair

Hi! What religion are you apart of?

Oh I'm apart of Mikanism

What's that?

It's a religion I joined where we worship Mikan Tsumiki from danganronpa

Oh, I'm interested..

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MIKAN - slang

When 2 random people start to talk and figure out quickly they have everything in common.
Unexpected mikanes typically result in whats usually known as a β€œdream team”.

Pronounced β€œmick-ane”

β€œStarted talking time this random girl, and turns out, we’re so similar! Literally a mikane moment!”

β€œI think, what you need, is to get yourself in to a Mikane kinda situation”

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A lady who is blissfully ignorant of the evil in the world. She is badass when needed but mostly loving and kind. DO NOT CROSS A MIKAN!

Those tweekers never stood a chance when the messed with Mikan!

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A beautiful and lovable person. They'll make your day and take care of you. They are so sweet and kind to you. Literally the best person you could meet.

I love you so much Mikan.

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a japanese word for orange. It is also used a name.

A mikan is great source of vitamin c.

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