Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Layin?

The act of hittin the switches and dropping your car/truck to the point where it is low enough to scrape the frame of the vehicle on the asphalt.

Switches = bag, hydrolic switches that control a vehicle's height

Did you see that truck layin' frame down Sunrise Blvd. last night?

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Layin - meme gif

Layin meme gif

Layin - video


Layin - what is it?

When your laying in bed and your dong is not fully erect but not flaccid is Resting on your leg and shows good girth... Your layin nice...

Stacy walked into the room and said,"Bill! What are you doing?" Bill looked down and saw he was Layin nice , he was proud!

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What does "Layin" mean?

Patiently waiting to get the advantage on someone. Quietly timing a money making move using the element of surprise.

In the late 80s and early 90s NYC, muggings/ robberies/chain snatching happened all the time. "Layin' in the cut" referred to waiting in a covered location, ie btw 2 buildings or in an alley, for the right opportunity to jump someone or rob.

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Layin - what does it mean?

Chillin. Hangin. Straight kickin it or cold lampin. Laying low and staying cool. Originally a line from Putney Swope, the literal meaning is to be sitting in a Cutlass Supreme.

"Where you at, mang?"
"Layin in the cut."

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Layin - meaning

Chillin, relaxin

Whatchata doing, I'm at home layin low son

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Layin - definition

Engaging in sexual inercouse. Having Rough sex

"Damn he must be a plummer! Look at the way hes layin the pipe!"

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Layin - slang

The act of performing a very long and drawn out bowel movement. An extremely long pooper if you know what I mean.

Bradley was in the bathroom for almost two hours layin' cable...he destroyed that thing.

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To spend alone time with a person of the opposite gender while frequently having casual sex.

Darnell: Yo I heard you was kickin it with Terra the other day?
Rashawd: Yea you know, we was somkin some week and layin up.

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whatever is going on

Yo, man, what's layin'?
Not much, dude, s'layin' with you?

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The act of being horizontal on a couch, bed, etc for an extended period of time while expending extremely little to no energy for the entire duration.

It's almost like letting your body nap while you are completely awake.

While people are layin, many times they listen to music, talk to friends, lay with pets, spoon, or for the full effect they do nothing at all.

EX: In the summer I'm always layin in the AC with my puppy.

EX: When you hung out on your bed all day and your friends asked you what you did all day you might respond "I was layin."

Lay = the actual action
Lay Sesh = The period (or session) in which you were layin

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