Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Lace it?

adjective used to describe something, or someone, who is very put-together, has their game on tight, looks good, nice clothes, nice jewelry, nice car, has money, fancy, bling-bling...etc.

My college professor asked us this question one day: Why do people want to always make more money in their jobs?

My answer to his question: To stay laced motherf****r! What an idiot.

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Lace it - video


Lace it - what is it?

if someone calls you laced it means youre dumb or you prolly said smt dumb

andrew : β€œima shoot the fair ones with justin”
jake : β€œbro are you laced ? justin is a bodybuilder”

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What does "Lace it" mean?

A word used to describe an aggressive female from the Valley (L.A) who is quite taken with herself and puts others down without hesitation.

Kate: "OMG did you see that guy at the party? He was such a loser!"

Michelle: " Haha, you're so Lacee!"

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Lace it - what does it mean?

A ghetto version and twist to the name Lacey.

"My mother thought I was special, so she named me Lacee"

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Lace it - meaning

(n) together with

Take this weed laced with crack

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Lace it - definition

A badass bitch, and awesome friend! she has many people that would support her no matter what. If she thinks your cool she will be the best friend ever, but if she doesn't like you she will make it very clear. she is the funniest person on the planet. If you ever meet a Lacee don't ever take her for granted, because she is the best thing that ever happened to you. Love ya bitch

Girl: I hate myself
Lacee: Don't ever say that again! you are amazing!

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Lace it - slang

to add something such as ecstacy to a drug like marijuana

Bro I think this weed is laced with some heavy shit.

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Lace it

Lacee is the most beautiful girl you will ever see she has nice looks has curves and the best personality if you ever find a lacee you will want to hold on to her her friends are lucky to have her

Damn she is such a lacee she is hot, and nice

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Lace it

A street word for adding more addictive drugs to another drug

When I found out someone was lacing my marijuana with crack I started wanting crack because it was better

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Lace it

1. a drug that is laced into another is snuck in without the consumers knowledge. ("man, that weed i smoked last night was laced with cocaine")
2. dressed up in ("that rich bitch was laced up fine")

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