Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Kelly anne?

Faith is a jaw dropping girl. She is so incredibly beautiful and talented. she dose not accept it though. She brings a smile to my face every time i see her and i wish i could do the same for her. She denies any compliment we give her saying she is the exact opposite. Its kinda disappointing because she dose not realize how amazing she is but i guess that's also a good thing because that means she's always pushing herself to be better. i don't even see how this is possible. how can she get even better? because you are perfect to me faith and you always will be no matter what. I love you faith.

Faith kelly ann brennan is my everything

👍25 👎11

Kelly anne - video


Kelly anne - what is it?

a name for a quite fun and spectacular girl. She has such a friendly smile and always looking forward into doing something spontaneous. She can do everything you can imagine. She plays sports, she sings, she does well in school.

Kelly Anne is also incredibly attractive with perfect features and just completely outgoing. She has so much confidence and compassion.

Oh my gosh, Kelly Anne just invited me to a party.”
“Oh, you have to go, it will be so fun.”

👍29 👎19

What does "Kelly anne" mean?

The sexiest MILF you'll ever meet.

Damn, Kelly-Anne is a mother id like to fuck.

👍95 👎281

Kelly anne - what does it mean?

A gangly freak, who speaks good england, poor spelling, likes raisins, fish pie and shoving a whole pizza in her gob, speaks a lot, sexual fetish for the colour purple.

Normally found on a strange tropical island, Jersey? A rare, gangly creature.

Always up for a laugh, although can get quite aggressive if drunk or you don't let her lick your plate!

"You is WAISTED Kelly-Ann"
"Raisin sandwhich Kelly-Ann"
"You're making me juicy Kelly-Ann!"
"Your chops gonna flop out Kelly-Ann!"
"Fuck a duck Kelly-Ann!!"

👍79 👎173

Kelly anne - meaning

A sex act that has the woman fingering mans pee hole while punching his sack.

She just kelly ann’d the fuck out of me.

👍35 👎21

Kelly anne - definition

refering to an exotic bird usually found in the rain forrests of the netherlands. Tipically seen mooching off of the june bugs in the southern valleys. completely out of the ordinary and extremely rare. Each and every single one of them have one distincitve feature, on their left foot there second claw is longer than the first. They are extremely terrible at flirting but can show you a good time.
Warning they have coarse chest hair, so think twice before running your fingers through it.

I saw a kelli-ann swoop past my left ear today.

👍45 👎23

Kelly anne - slang

The funniest person anyone will ever meet. She's tall, cute and usualy has a hot best friend named Jessy.

Kirby- "You know who I love?"
Lizzy- "Who, Jessy?"
Kirby- "No, Kelly Ann. But she's just as hot"

👍109 👎79

Kelly anne

Cute, sweet, nerdy girl that's amazing to hang out with.

Dude we need to add Kelly-Ann in our DND group!!!!!

👍43 👎19

Kelly anne

Kelli Ann is the most beautiful girl in the world. It's nigh impossible to find anything closer to perfection than her. She is adorable, sexy, and gorgeous all at the same time. She has an enormous heart, is incredibly sweet, and is liked, loved, and wanted by everyone she meets. Kelli Ann is blonde, has stunning baby-blue eyes, and a smile that'll melt your heart.

Kelli Ann is a babe!

👍93 👎39