Definder - what does the word mean?

What is KANYED?

When your having one of the best moments in your life and then your rudely interrupted.

2009 vma's.


Holding your first child for the first time in your arms then your friend comes walking in and tells you the eagles just signed Michael Vick. You've just been Kanyed.

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KANYED - meme gif

KANYED meme gif

KANYED - video


KANYED - what is it?

A name reffering to a boy with everything good in a person. Kanis are huggable, sweet, romantic, talented, and smart.
They have great hair, a playful personality, and they're everything good you can think of. Kanis are guys with good senses of humor and are fun to be around. Kanis the nicest people you will ever meet. They'll be your shoulder to cry on, and they never break promises. Girls, if you ever find a Kani, hold on to him tight, because you'll never find someone as amazing. With a big heart in his chest, and he'll accept who you are, what you do, and support you. You'll swear that he's an angel sent from above. He's a Kani. Simple as that.

Kani seems like a really chill guy

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What does "KANYED" mean?

Kani is someone with a sensitive heart. She has a honest personality. She tries to act bitchy. She had a medium length brown hair. With chestnut eyes. She cares about everyone equally. She doesn’t like to be alone. When she is alone, she feels like she is ugly. She wants to stay surrounded by people. You must be lucky if you get a kani as your girlfriend. Never let her go.

β€œShe is an amazing Kani friend”

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KANYED - what does it mean?

Kani is a girl that is mostly smart and kind. She is honest and could be trusted for many ways. She is not bossy or bitchy, but nice and playful. A Kani is usually an excellent dancer and works hard as a student. She is also very pretty and could be the cutest girl you will ever meet. Never let go of Kani when she becomes your friend. She is always the most loyal and the best friend of yours!

Hey, who is that girl? She is called Kani, a totally loyal friend of mine and is very cute and beautiful!

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KANYED - meaning

To publicly humiliate yourself by being such a douchebag that you not only embarrass yourself, but also those in your immediate presence.

Man, he totally Kanyed during that wedding toast by claiming that the bride was fugly.

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KANYED - definition

To get interrupted by a self-absorbed raging douchebag during a moment of glory.

1.) I just got Kanyed by some jackass while accepting my award.

2.) Dude, you just Kanyed the punch line to my joke.

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KANYED - slang

To totally interrupt someone in the middle of them talking about something important.

Kanye kanyed Taylor Swift during the VMA's...not cool, at all.

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to hijack someone's good mood, especially by upstaging or overshadowing it

Michael's crying baby Kanyed his morning coffee

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Kany is a very sweet and kind girl, she tries to help anyone who needs it. She is very strong but can be sensitive, she is also very hot.

Kany is very hot
I need Kany’s help

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Kani is the Kurdish name for the water that comes out of the mountain. Many people give this name to their daughters, and this name is a symbol of the beautiful mountains and the nature of Kurdistan.

Wara bchina sa kaniye

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