Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Jundi?

The term "feral" is usually used to refer to a domesticated animal which has returned to the wild. The term jundi is arabic for soldier. Put them together, and you have feral jundi. 1. A soldier that is no longer bound by their former occupation or contract. 2. A guard that has wandered away from their post. 3. A soldier that speaks their mind, without worry of consequence.

Hey Bob, check it out. It looks like another feral jundi has decided to leave his post again. (Iraq guard duty)

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Jundi - meme gif

Jundi meme gif

Jundi - video


Jundi - what is it?

someone who commands respec where ever they go. often given to the accepted leader of a group of friends.`this person will almost certainly be blench and adept at taming 50's down the gym. generally a no nonsense top geezer not to messed with. fuck with him at your peril. words linked to such a person often include smooth, uba cool and mature.

James Bond is very much jundy

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What does "Jundi" mean?

Some one that is bein real stupid

Grams is bein such a Jundi today what a weenie

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Jundi - what does it mean?

A hateful word describing an aribic person

Those damn jundie's are crazy!

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Jundi - meaning

Southeastern Australian slang term for a joint.

Mal's having red wine & jundie time at his tonight.

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Jundi - definition

When you get owned.

you just got jundied!

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Jundi - slang

Jeans fashioned into underwear

"hey bruce, mint jundies, I've got a raging hard on!"

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jean shorts that are so short there basically undies

dammm girl, those are some jundies

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British army slang for an enemy Arab.

"Four jundies on the ridge at Six O'Clock"

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1. Banger fight. MMA matchup that's strike heavy. See slugfest.

2. Soldier in arabic and related languages.

"That fight was jundi G." - Bro

"They stand and banged in the octagon." - Bro 2

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