Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Juff?

When a Twisted fan writes a long and exhausting post, full of run on sentences and incorrect spelling on a Gathering thread, it is known as a Juff Ass Famograph

That dude Bobby wrote ANOTHER juff ass famograph on the Gathering thread again. Admin should boot his juff ass.

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Juff - meme gif

Juff meme gif

Juff - video


Juff - what is it?

to not take shit from the lower genre in a stylish fashon

juff pont a bitch wit you flat back hand and let her know who you are......

Marsha: ima leavin your sorryful ass!
me: o wow you juff pont!!! im going to juff pont your ass

Marsha: you wouldnt

me: yes...i would...BITCH!!!!!

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What does "Juff" mean?

When somebody says a word and gets it completely wrong but won’t admit to it. These people often have large heads that resemble baked potatoes but have a mummy you’d like to bath you...

No that’s wrong you juff-nut.... by the way how’s your mum...

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Juff - what does it mean?

a form of felching for women only.

She juffed me

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Juff - meaning

jizz used term wen looking at a very fineeeeeeee lady

wow andy, i dont think i'd have enough juff if i was to 3d that

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Juff - definition

To jack off and huff gas simultaneously for a spectacularly heady high.

It was a rainy Saturday, so I went to my crawlspace with my headband light, jackrag, and a can of gas and got my proper juff on.

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Juff - slang

A noxious, eye-watering odourous guff that eminates from anyone whose name begins with a "J" - Usually unleashed after a night out on the piss. Also know as "The World of Juff".

"Fuck me, Juppy, it reeks in here. That is painful. You must have been juffing all night, you filthy bastard".

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Quite simply - A one word description of a sex smell

(bedroom door opens and lee walks into a room while dave has just finished having sex)


Dave: I do believe its juff. I think that whore Fanny farted a plume of juff on the curtain. My Bad!

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aka Just For Fun.

A term used to joke.

A : Dude, are u she man ?
B : fuck!! im not.
A : Juff dude

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A term used to identify scum or fakes in the Juggalo community.

Have you heard about that girl Dakota?
Yeah, what a Juff. I heard she'll fuck anything with a dick and act like she's the shit when everyone knows she's just trash.

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