Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Jayesh?

Some loser from Watford - thinks he's hard but is nothing but a chav.

Vivek: Yo Jayesh, what up?

Jayesh: Nothin' innit like just gettin me some mcdonalds with my burberry cap on and that - you like my new blingin' chain?

Vivek: What a loser.

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Jayesh - meme gif

Jayesh meme gif

Jayesh - video


Jayesh - what is it?

the best possible ex existing!

we just broke up yesterday but honestly he's so jayesh!

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What does "Jayesh" mean?

Christian rice bag convert

No amount of pesticide can save your rice crop when he's around

Illegal mallu immigrant, committed several rice war crimes in Kerala

Hey do you know what happened to my 5kg Daawat Basmati rice ?

I don't know, might be Jayesh.

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Jayesh - what does it mean?

Great personality.

I want to be like Jayesh!

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Jayesh - meaning

A person not having a good personality but having very kind heart . Always makes u laugh by making jokes . Abuses so much but just for fun. One of the rarest persons who makes you laugh when you're depressed

Friend- hey Jayesh how are u
Jayesh- just like yesterday I was

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Jayesh - definition

Very different from other

Jayesh the word defines victory

Is very clear and smart to play mind games and word play, think before you get closer he'll not hurt you but if you think to get away you'll definitely regret later as his name defines victory he never losses by any chance

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Jayesh - slang

The person who gives you all love, care and affection you want and never give up on you ❀️

Who knows what’s good for you who never leave your side

you literally hold the key to my emotions and that is extremely toxic, to be honest. i mean sometimes you make me feel like the happiest person on this entire planet, but when tease me i want to kick your ass.. its because you have my heart


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the best ever guy u ever met he is a bit picky but he is amazing at sports

jayesh is the best

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A guy with great personality and appeal. Is popular but opens up with very few people. Good at sports. Is very picky and gets irritated sometimes. Good at giving hugs.

He gave me a hug yesterday and honestly it was jayesh-like

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