Definder - what does the word mean?

What is JOOS?

Another way of spelling or saying the word Jews.

👍127 👎75

JOOS - meme gif

JOOS meme gif

JOOS - video


JOOS - what is it?

Joos is another word for semen. It usually results in accidentaly release.

David did you just joos on me?

👍151 👎93

What does "JOOS" mean?

A person of jewish origin

"Hey, joo."

"Look at that joo over there."

👍525 👎357

JOOS - what does it mean?

Internet slang for the word "you." Most often used by 1337 computer freaks and/or white, male, black wanna-be's.

H3y, J00! Y0 m4mm4 w45 600d 1457 ni6h7, F00!

👍1249 👎867

JOOS - meaning

1: Alternative and often but not always offensive, way of spelling "Jew", in the religious or racial sense. It originated from South Park.

2: Way of spelling "You". It is used sometimes in 1337 (leet). It probably originated from some European languages, such as Dutch, having "J" be pronounced "Y".

1: "Maybe we're not getting to heaven because somebody here is a J-O-O" - South Park.

"Jon Stewart is a filthy joo" - antisemite.
"I didn't know he was jooish" - person.

2: "Joo w1ll g3t teh fl@g!!!" - gamer playing "capture the flag"
"Joo @r3 ST00P1D!!!1!!!one!!!" - gamer expressing his/her (who am i kidding, HIS) frustration with a fellow gamer whom he perceives as being incompetent or unintelligent.

"Ja" means "yes" in Dutch, and is pronounced "Ya".

👍187 👎87

JOOS - definition

to be penetrated by a man of Jewish faith or to get dissed in an extremely painful way

Oh! He just got insulted very badly! He got jooed.

👍51 👎19

JOOS - slang

Alternate spelling of Jew- Derived from Cartman on "South Park"

"Someone here is a J-O-O!"

Kyle is a Joo.

👍2195 👎589


Joo Joo is a nickname or short name for Julia 😌not Giulia 😠 (huge difference)

It means the queen of SLO county it used be a long lost kingdom way before Christophe Columbu discovered it. She actually did. She should always be appreciated and be treated like a queen.

It also means someone who has a very nice butt-butt or sua 7lua in darija.

🐪 : Joo Joo!
Joo Joo: 💦 🏇

🐪: 👀 🏜

👍31 👎17


Magic. Used to express negative feelings towards a thing or situation.

That is some baaaaaaaaaaaad joo joo.

👍109 👎131


karma, or vibes

Even though we just met, I get good joo joo from him.

👍333 👎93