Definder - what does the word mean?

What is HoE?

Someone who lets any old color pencil into their sharpener.

Sharkeshia: I heard Antwan's bitch fucked his bestfriend, Lebron

Dolkeshia: What a HOE!

👍9695 👎2123

HoE - meme gif

HoE meme gif

HoE - video


HoE - what is it?

The person reading this is probably wondering if they are a hoe or not.

The person reading this is a hoe.

👍9101 👎1979

What does "HoE" mean?

Hoes are like tue end slices of bread. Everybody touches them but nobody wants them.

That bitch is a real hoe!

👍861 👎157

HoE - what does it mean?

A sexually promiscuous gardening tool.

"Yeah, I fucked that hoe, but I cut my dick on the edge."

👍1101 👎203

HoE - meaning

It's a farming tool and thats all you need to know.

Person 1: Do you know what a hoe is?

Person 2: It's a farming tool

Person 1: Ummmmm Actually...

Person 2: SHUT UP!

👍8019 👎1363

HoE - definition

The mother of a student who throws paper at a teacher.

Student: * throws paper at teacher*

Teacher: I said whoever threw that paper, your moms a Hoe.

👍7727 👎1163

HoE - slang

Someone who is only after sex and money. They have no interest in an actual deep relationship with their partner. They find someone else and move on.

"I hate hoes. Leah definitely isn't a hoe for Levi Ackerman.

👍831 👎99


Someone who sucks and has no friends. Usually a "loser-face"

Omg mary you're such a hoe hoe

👍65 👎57


A girl in a slutty Christmas outfit.

"Hoe Hoe Hoe! Look at that broad!"
"Yeah she's a fiesty one!"

👍295 👎73


Someone who sneaks down people's chimneys and then fucks them.

Santa Claus is a hoe hoe hoe.

👍793 👎129