Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Heya?

Short for 'Hello how are you?'
A chirpy greeting made popular by scousers aka liverpulians

G;Hiya/heya mike
M;I'm good george you?
G;well, well

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Heya - meme gif

Heya meme gif

Heya - video

Heya - what is it?

A very annoying song by outkast



shake it. shake shake it shake it.

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What does "Heya" mean?

abbreviation of "hey you" , but most people just think its a way of saying hey , hi , hiya etc,


boy , " Heya , whatt U up to?"
girl , " heya , nothing , you ?"

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Heya - what does it mean?

A greeting to one of your friends that you know extremely well
An example in an online conversation would be:

Person1: heya louie what's up?
Person2: not much claire

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Heya - meaning

Shorthand of "Hey you."

Heya, howya doin?

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Heya - definition

Heya; a word that the race of (β€œAnime”) use as a greeting to there fellow weeb friends.


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Heya - slang

Heya is slang for hello or hi mostly used by little kiddis who have no clue how to say hello yet.

Kid 1: Heya Jerry
Kid 2: Heya kid.

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An incredibly informal greeting. Actually an abbreviation of "Hey You!"
Shortened to convenience those of us too damned lazy to put definate spaces between our words...

"Heya! H'are ya doin'?"

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The portmanteau of Heather Morris and Naya Rivera.

Which is cuter, Heya or Brittana?

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Ashort version of 'hey' 'you' It's coooooooooooooooooooooooooooool

Guy 1: Heya. How's in goin'
Guy 2: Fine dude

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