Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Get Em?

A song by Maino, that talks about Tiger Woods being a total Mack Daddy

Get 'Em Tiger:

I got women in the 'burbs
Women in the the hood
Yeah my wifey mad
'cause she knows I'm no good
Man I'm just a dog
I'd be faithful if I could
But I'm Tiger Woods
Yeah, I'm Tiger Woods

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Get Em - video


Get Em - what is it?

To engage in a fight.

You keep talking smack, you must wanna get ‘em up or something.

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What does "Get Em" mean?

The audible cue that someone fucked up in football practice, and the whole team doing up downs because of it. Can also be said as "get em goin!"

Coach: D-Line, I told you not to hit the quarterback in practice
D-Lineman: Sorry coach that's my bad
Coach: I don't wanna hear it! 10 up downs drop the bullshit. Get em choppin!

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Get Em - what does it mean?

When a man inserts his testicles inside of a woman's (or man's) anal cavity... Forcibly.

Jon got Jenny with the Ol' Get em Carl last night, she screamed with joy and him with pain.

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Get Em - meaning

Used as a verb to describe a quick combat move where one uses an elbow strike to hit someone (typically besides them) in the chest while saying "get em in the chest" and then proceeds to move their arm up while keeping their elbow in place to hit their face while saying "get em in the face." This strike is done in a quick manner and doesn't actually ever make contact with the victim.

*walking past a friend*

*does move* "get em in the chest get em in the face"

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Get Em - definition

Another term for "ayyyeee" or "that's wassup".

I got an A in my math class.

- GET EM!!

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Get Em - slang

when u see a nice lookin gurl or guy and ur wit ur folks, one of ur friends will usually yell this out referrin to get the cute guy or girl...

"Look at him! ay gurl get 'em!"

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Get Em

its a catch all phrase its kindda the new "you go girl"

"Get 'em Jeezy!" "I got 'em"

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Get Em

It came from the movie how high, it means for 2 people to be gunning on eachother back and forth. Also after each insult everyone around yells "Get em"

1: You so ugly, your birth certificate was sent to your parents with a sorry letter from the condom company

Everyone: Get em!!!!!

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Get Em

Usually is said at the end at a person who keeps getting roasted until the climax roast ends with a scream.

Roaster: Your hair look waterproof

Crowd: OH! Get Em
Roaster: (continues to Roast the victim)

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