Definder - what does the word mean?

What is GEEZY?

Geezy was made by a bunch of gay faggots that live with there mums and it means wotever u want it to mean

i met this geezy the other day.
i just got geezed.
im all geezed out.

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GEEZY - meme gif

GEEZY meme gif

GEEZY - video


GEEZY - what is it?

Superfly rapper in the group Crescent Park.

y33 brutha, you heard my girl, Geezie's part in CP's new song?

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What does "GEEZY" mean?

A curse word used when trying not to swear.

*Harvey stubs his toe*
Harvey: "AHHH! FU... i mean GEEZIES"

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GEEZY - what does it mean?

Pronounced G-eezy.

1. Someone who does not fit in. Ill-mannered, completely grotesque individul.

2. A guy who chase girls around and freaks them out. He also looks like ass.

3. A girl (G-EEZIA) who wears all-red clothes and blue lipstick.

Noora: Don't look now, but there's a a group of habarbash walking behind us.
Dalal: Oh man, is it International Geezy day?!

2. Look at her, wearing pink shoes and brown pants. What a geezia.

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GEEZY - meaning

Racist term used in the south. Used as a general term for describing minority coke addicts.

"You see that geezie brotha in the movie. He was flying high."

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GEEZY - definition

a dance move in which one spastically dances and moves around with a variety of motions, none of which are in any way coordinated.

Look at Rob, he's doin the Geezy!! Those girls look so creeped out right now

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GEEZY - slang

whats up or hows it going any kind of greeting


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Another term for the word "Gangster." To be only used in a jokingly matter. Never call a gangbanger a geezy.

=M original.

Cool cat1: *laugh* Look at this, yo.
Cool cat2: Oooh sh*t. That's hella geezy.

Person: &then he said, "*Pulls down zipper and rips off jacket* YOU WANNA SEE ME, N*GGA?!"
Other person: Haha. That person is a geezy.

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The act of being a fucking thug of skis or snowboard refering to people who shred, combining the words gee and steezy, yadda mean, sucha s henrik harlaut, tom wallisch, and lucas magoon

Thats geezy as fuck, dub cork 9

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synonym for good

Sally says: "It's all Geezy!"

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