Definder - what does the word mean?

What is GASSER?

A unique ethnicity that is best described by imaging the blend of a red-haired, caucasian with a light skinned African American.

Bake Griffin is a gasser

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GASSER - meme gif

GASSER meme gif

GASSER - video


GASSER - what is it?

Someone who is always behind the eightball. Comes from the expression "to be gassed", i.e. to be out of breath.

Detroit's Big Three are real gassers. (The cars they produce guzzle gas and their management is clueless about how to compete.)

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What does "GASSER" mean?

1. Someone who passes gas frequently.
2. An suv that uses an impressive amount of fuel.
3. A slang term for a grunt off of the video game Halo

Dude, Steve, you're such a gasser!

My mom's Lexus is a total gasser.

Kill the little douche bag gassers. NO THAT'S ME YOU SMACKTARD!!!

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GASSER - what does it mean?

To let out a quick fart and then let everyone know imedietly that you just farted.

(*fart*) Gasser!

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GASSER - meaning

1. A good situation
2. a sexy woman

1. This party was a gasser
2. Check that gasser!

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GASSER - definition

Someone of German or Austrian nationality or descent

It's hard for Germans to shake that association with gassing millions of people to death

He was proud of his Austrian background but people still thought he was just a gasser

She thought she was so liberal with her "multi-culti" schtick but we all knew from her German accent that she was a gasser whose parents were full fledged Nazi's.

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GASSER - slang

Breaking wind gone toxic

Granny let out a gasser that done chocked us all up.

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Noun. Race or other high-performance car that runs on regular octane gas from a standard commercial pump. Unlike fueler or fuelie, which runs on high-octane gasoline or methane, also know in drag racing as top fuel.

He tore up ashphalt in his gasser.

His gasser does low 11s in the quarter.

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A modified closed car or rat rod that competes at drag races.

There's gonna be a gasser war at the dragstrip tonight! Don't miss it!

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A football workout made by Christopher Coll of Tri West Highschool. You start at one end of a football sideline then do two down backs. Thats one rep


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