Definder - what does the word mean?

What is fuelie?

Hyping someone up; the opposite of bullying.

Philipp, I love you so fucking much dude, I'm fuelying you!

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fuelie meme gif

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Fuelie - what is it?

a Top Fuel dragster.

there's nothing like a fuelie doing high sevens on the quarter mile.

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What does "fuelie" mean?

A word used to describe fans of the band Fuel.

"...the tour has been going great and she has met a few of you Fuelies out there..." -Brett Scallions

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Fuelie - what does it mean?

A slang term for a fuel-injected automobile, usually from the '50s or '60s.

My grandpa had a '59 Corvette 283 Fuelie.

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