Definder - what does the word mean?

What is EVOL?

The opposite of love

Me: I'm going to chop up your body and make a stew with it and force your family to eat it
You: that's just evol

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EVOL - meme gif

EVOL meme gif

EVOL - video


EVOL - what is it?

Evol, LOVE spelt backwards that is also used in the word "evol" - "ution". Evolution is the contrary to creation just as Evol is the contrary to LOVE. IF we look at how the word "evolution" is pronounced, we get:

Evo, Loo, She, on

If we then look at the way illusion is pronounced we get:

ee, loo, she, on.

Considering that The LORD GOD loves his children, and evolution seeks to remove that love, it is no wonder that we get the word evol instead of LOVE in the word evolution. Instead, we get Evol illusion, LOVE spelt backwards as it is the opposite of LOVE which comes from the LORD GOD.

Evol is LOVE spelt backwards because it is a lie.

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What does "EVOL" mean?

To like someone more then a friend, but not as much as love. You could evol a best friend.

"I love you." - Person 1
"No, you don't. You evol me" - Person 2

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EVOL - what does it mean?

1. To regard with contempt or scorn: despised all cowards and flatterers.

2. To dislike intensely; loathe: despised the frigid weather in January.

3. To regard as unworthy of one's interest or concern: despised any thought of their own safety.

I really think Jessica is an EVOL!

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EVOL - meaning

(adj.) When you call someone evil in a playful manner, usually to a friend.

"you're so evol! kekekeke skeet-skeet wafflez"

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EVOL - definition

more than like, less than love

dear marissa, i evol you a lot :)

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EVOL - slang

having a strong emotion towards someone. Stronger than "like" but not as strong as "love".

I evol you

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When you really care about someone and you know they care about you. Its when you love being with this someone and you cant wait to be with them. It's when you know your so lucky to be with this person and don't feel like you deserve them. Its way more then like but less then love.

I evol you oh so much pat

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(adj.) Almost evil, but humourous.

Evil is love spelled backwards, well, if you change it around a bit. EVOL!

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a. The name of a multigenre band from Sulpher Springs, Texas. Guitarist Josh and guitar/vocalist Dure'll. Dure'll created the word "evolity" to describe the events, torments and experiences of a Knight in a story in which the knight is writing a warning letter to a young squire. Story written by Dure'll Twitty
b. The evolution or growth of evil in a person, community, people etc.
c. The progression of lack of moral, and kind treatment ot others.

The counselor realized the evolity in johns history at school could explain his recent behavement. One can easily see the evolity in our community that is driving us all downward a spiral. A Bully, rise or terrorists.

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