Definder - what does the word mean?

What is The counselor?

The villainous camp counselor (played by Eddy Schumacher) in the inspirational 1987 film, Ernest Goes to Camp.

"You're going to learn to swim, the Stennis way!"

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The counselor - video


The counselor - what is it?

A person that forgets to pass the joint after they hit it.

Dude are you mentoring kids in the woods this summer or passing that shit? Damn camp Counselors

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What does "The counselor" mean?

A man who hangs out with alot of women but he never has sexs with them. He's only there to hear about all of their problems.

Bob: man i heard mike has been kicking it with maria alot.
Todd: yeah but they don't bone they just talk, he such a women counselor.

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The counselor - what does it mean?

When you're at SEP in a food line (either at O'Hill or St. Anne's) and a counselor gets in front of you, apparently for no reason, saying "counselor cuts!"

Counselor 1: I have counselor cuts, man! I get to get in front of you!
Counselor 2: No way. I was standing here forever, wasn't I, Ellie?
Ellie: Um... I don't want to get involved.

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The counselor - meaning

A character in South Park who works at Lake Tardicaca in the 'Crippled Summer' episode and is oblivious of Nathan's schemes to kill his enemy, Jimmy.

Yes, Counselor Steve, I like the fun canoe.

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The counselor - definition

A person who spends their summer working at a camp (think cabins and small children). These individuals fall into three categories; people that like working with children, people that use to go to the camp, people that like to drink with the people in the first two categories. These employees make almost no money and therefore have some external motivation for working at camp.

One of the perks of being a camp counselor is the great tan you get while working outside, a downside are the small children that might drown while you tan instead of life guarding.

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The counselor - slang

term used by educators to describe a psychologist,social worker,or any person with a box of kleenex who arrives at the school in the aftermath of an unfortunate event.

When a freak bunsen burner accident singed the moustaches of a male and two female students, the high school called in a grief counselor.

👍199 👎21

The counselor

The Counselor, another way to say "weed".

Roy: Hey John ya stonner cunt, wanna go see The Counselor?

John: Yeaaah man, the Counselors sick!


Roy, John: "Trollface.jpeg"

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The counselor

someone who knows all the right things to say, who want to know how you're "really" feeling.

"i think i would know, i'm a counselor. anger is a secondary emotion, what are you really feeling?"

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The counselor

counselours can be overall good people if they give a damn. if they dont they can ruin your life without mercy and make you feel like shit.

school counselors: distgusting pigs who can ruin suicidal children lives without care about their feelings

work counselors: most likely good people they did take lessons on how to treat greiving people. and can probably help you.

school counselors:Wow! Mrs.McDonald ruined Jordans life by telling her parents he was suicidal! WHAT A PIG!

work counselors:Yess! now Jordan has his life together and can live independently.

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