Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Dimer?

A person who must give you the smallest, waste-of-time, and meaningless task at work in order to show others( upper management) their "usefulness" on a daily basis(which mainly consists of hearing their own voice). This "task" takes no breaks, and therefore sometimes you are "asked" to do things on your break, lunch, and if they could get away with it, your day off.

Co-worker #1: "What the fuck are you doing back, didn't you go out to lunch today?"
Co-worker #2: "Yeah, but fuck me, I came back early and I got 'asked' by the Nickel-Dimer to follow up on an inquiry."
Co-worker #1: "Really? Haven't you learned to take really long lunches? You both are assholes!"

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Dimer - meme gif

Dimer meme gif

Dimer - video


Dimer - what is it?

When you spill Nesquik on the counter and snort it for lack of having something else to clean it up with.

My usual 3am chocolate milk run was almost foiled when I overfilled the glass with Nesquik. I didn't have napkins so I D-dimer'd that shit up.

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What does "Dimer" mean?

A person who rats and runs their fuckin mouth too much. Also used to describe a person you don't want to hang out with.

Fuck that kid he's a dimer, man.

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Dimer - what does it mean?

A girl with a tight vagina

"That chick was a dimer".
"What do you mean?"
"Her vagina was as small as a dime"

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Dimer - meaning

When you stick a dime up your ass, for sexual purposes or just done by someone really bored

david says - when i was 5 i gave myself the dimer, putting a dime up my ass"

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Dimer - definition

When you stick a dime up your ass, for sexual purposes or just done by someone really bored

david says - when i was 5 i gave myself the dimer, putting a dime up my ass"

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Dimer - slang

A girl who is rated 10 out of 10 on the hotness scale.

That girl is a total dimer.

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If you got the dimer badge, I respect you.
Dimers make plays for their teammates to score.

my boy: ayo look I'm telling you that dude is a Dimer, he always passes the ball no matter what
Me: om

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a male who sleeps with nothing but dimes

That guy is a dimer. He slept with 5 hot chicks last weekend.

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A cheap prostitute.

Wow - that one girl in my bio class is so cheap, that if she was a prositute she'd be a dimer for SURE.

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