Definder - what does the word mean?

What is inquiry?

Refers to da "shout-out" phone call dat you make to one or more local homes/businesses during a power-outage, to ask if they are without electricity, also ("Are you folks in da Dark Ages, as well?"); this allows you to reliably determine if it is indeed a widespread outage, rather than it's being "just you" (i.e., where you would need to check your home's wiring/fuse-box for unseen faulty connections).

During an unexpected power-outage, most folks will likely be at least marginally patient/understanding if you want to check wif dem about whether their electricity is off, as well, but you should still consider carefully before making said call --- usually you will want to do so only if da current weather is fairly "calm 'n' balmy" and therefore a utilities-outage would not be expected. It is generally understood dat service-wires might be downed if there is heavy snow/wind, and so in these cases your "dark ages"-inquiry phone call might be viewed as somewhat of an unnecessary/frivolous interruption, especially since those other folks will themselves probably be experiencing moderate difficulties/concerns regarding said hiccup in da flow of "angry pixies", and so at da time they may be feverishly scrambling to "batten down da hatches" while waiting for da power to come back on again. Good luck trying to call anyone, though, since nowadays da phone and electricity are no longer such "entirely separate circuits" as they used to be, and so unless it's an extremely small and "localized" outage, your home-phone service will likely be out, also, if da electricity is off. Dat's an instance where mobile phones can be an alternative means of communication, since most cellular-towers have their own "dedicated" power-source dat will remain active even if da "regular" electricity is off.

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inquiry - meme gif

inquiry meme gif

inquiry - video

Inquiry - what is it?

Called FSI, probably one of the most annoying forms of science ever devised. It involves theories, memorization of the periodic table, and lots of algebra that require four steps to solve. Many of these have frustrating formulas in order to determine specific heat, Boor's Law, mole to atom conversions, orbital notation, balancing from the activity series, and many others that can make your life miserable. Usually, the bookwork involves a large amount of problems that take hours to complete. The tests are also your worst enemy, and those who study for seven freaking hours usually get a 50 on every single test.

Scenario 1:
Miss Sakuraba: For homework tonight, please complete problems 1-9, doing every single problem!
Susumu: Are you freaking high on marijuana!? There can possibly be no way I can do every single one of them!

Scenario 2:
God dang it I failed Miss Sakuraba's Foundations of Scientific Inquiry class and now I have to take it again!

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What does "inquiry" mean?

A school for mentally challenged students locatated on parsons blvd.

All three floors of school are designed for kids with special needs,

2 middle schools, and a high school?

Send your kid to queens school of inquiry

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Inquiry - what does it mean?

What Putin’s Pawn, in a nearly psychotic state of frenzied ultra-victimhood, halfway believes and attempts to convince his β€œloyal baseβ€œ is true.

He began his incoherent middle-of-the-night twitterblasts with references, endless references, to the fake impeachment inquiry he grandiosely imagined he could magically tweet into existence.

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Inquiry - meaning

Simultaneously wanting and not wanting to know information, usually relating to a situation or event.

The McRib is great, but I have SchrΓΆdinger’s Inquiry about what’s in it.

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Inquiry - definition

A pointless class taught in the ib program. It is used to drain any individuality out of ib students.
Inquiry skills is really a second english class.becoming a vegetable is common. See also:Theory of Knowledge; Nap Time

dude that inquiry skills paper is due today.

F*ck my life

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Inquiry - slang

A term for asking someone to homecoming. Like a promposal, but worse

Janice : β€œI have a home inquiry for you, Daniel. Will you go to homecoming with me?”

Daniel: β€œi would, but I’m already going with Becky Q”

Janice: β€œDarny darn :( I guess I’ll just stay home and watch Anderson Cooper”

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A surefire method in the mind of the Commander in Cheat to insure hugely substantial profits from future hotels, golf courses and luxury townhouses.

This impeachment inquiry is boon for my financial future because the bigger a complete badass I am in the course of my Presidency, the bigger my bankroll, OK?

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A one-time trick that you play on someone who is clueless to your mischieviousness. Ask the clueless person if you have a hole in the seat of your pants because it feels breezy. When the person looks and says no ask the person to look closer. When they get closer to your butt, unsuspectingly looking for a hole, you let out a good old stinky fart!

He is so stupid. I did the Dutch Inquiry on him. He put his face right by my ass looking for the hole and I let out the noxious fumes of a burrito fart.

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Asking a question yo.

Let me inquiry this ho.

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