Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Dee-Dee-Dee?

A person that was given birth to, under a normal environment, but later in life they decided to be an unintelligent person, by voluntarily saying something embarrassing or voluntarily doing something embarrassing in public.

The top filing cabinet is opened by an office worker, due to him or her is getting some files(of course), then doesn't close the top filing cabinet and starts to open the bottom filing cabinet to get another thing to get another file. Then the office worker closes the bottom after a finished search at the bottom cabinet, and knowing that the top cabinet is still opened, decides to get up and "involuntarily" banging his or her head on the bottom of the top filing cabinet drawer is a dee dee dee.

👍63 👎27

Dee-Dee-Dee - meme gif

Dee-Dee-Dee meme gif

Dee-Dee-Dee - video


Dee-Dee-Dee - what is it?

An annoying phrase you say when you want to annoy someone else. Usually shouted very enthusiastically.


👍43 👎15

What does "Dee-Dee-Dee" mean?

Someone who is just plain stupid and makes a mentally ill person look smart..

Billy: Is 2+2 fish?

Joe: No its 4 you DEE DEE DEE!

👍61 👎23

Dee-Dee-Dee - what does it mean?

Its Carlos Mencia's catch phrase Witch Means Stupid/Retarded/Dumb Ass

You Are Such A DEE DEE DEE!

👍159 👎67

Dee-Dee-Dee - meaning

A term used by comedian Carlos Mencia which describes someone so incredibly stupid that Carlos had to invent a catch phrase for them.

In 2005 Carlos Mencia made his first anual dee dee dee awards on his tv show Mind of Mencia.

👍619 👎247

Dee-Dee-Dee - definition

A person who is not born as mentally retarded, but who was born normal, and has become stupid.

Don't act like a dee dee dee.

👍313 👎111

Dee-Dee-Dee - slang

An idiot, usually more stupid than the usual idiot.

He thought a chicken's neck was a penis, he cut it off. What a Dee Dee Dee!

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a term for a retard used by Carlos Mencia also can be used for someone acting retard, dumb, etc.

if he is dee and she dee the kid going to be dee dee dee

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A term you say when somebody does something REALLY stupid. not like forgeting their keys, like thinking Rhode Island is not a state. Made famous by comedian Carlos Mencia, you say it like imitating a retarded person.

Idiot: I did not know school started on time today

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A really stupid, idiotic, moronic person.

George W. Bush is a real Dee-Dee-Dee!

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