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What is Crack on a stick?

"Casual" associated with being new, noobie, and uninformed in-said subject matter, however people who over-use "casual" in every sentence or every argument - regardless of facts just to insult the intelligence of the recipient.

Crack-stick: Begin(s) to call others casual in a debate on a subject immediately when the argument/debate has started because they are short-minded and can't combat others when challenged in a argument with their own; giving the impression that they themselves are the casual for not thinking of their own facts to mention or actual information to disapprove the argument , thus making them a "crack-stick"

1"Oh you just started playing yesterday? - thats why you suck"
2"No I've been playing since launch.. if anything you're casual here not me"
1"Explain how I'm a casual then?"
2"Shut up casual

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Crack on a stick - video


Crack on a stick - what is it?

Another form of saying, masturbate, have sex with females, and to alleviate stress.

Adam: "Yo, George. You crack stick today?"

George: "Always" *Proceeds to make motion of swinging a bat*

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What does "Crack on a stick" mean?

Another term for masturbation.

"I cracked stick to a picture of Kate Upton"

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Crack on a stick - what does it mean?

Originated from Jail a crack stick is an e cigarette wrapped in a coffee filter to give a person a level headed high

Yo this e cig isn’t giving me any feeling I think imma make it a crack stick

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Crack on a stick - meaning

When one jerks off

My mom caught me cracking stick to the new Victoria secret magazine.

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Crack on a stick - definition

After a man ejaculates into his partner’s buttocks or vagina, his partner then holds it inside retaining the warmth. Then at later period of time, the person whom received the ejaculate does a quick split type motion of their legs, reigniting the heat from the ejaculate inside.

"its cold out here, im going to crack a glow stick and warm up"

samantha got so cold that she had to "crack a glow stick"

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Crack on a stick - slang

When you are really good at anal, a little too good...

Bob is cracked on the sticks, he makes you look bad

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Crack on a stick

Bastardization of "Damn that shit," which in turn is a bastardization of "Oh darn my brotha"

She What?!?!? Crack on a stick!

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Crack on a stick

something that is very popular and/or sells very well.

Can also be used as an exclamation similar to "oh shit"

Guy 1: How's business?
Guy 2: Great! Our new stuff sells like crack on a stick!

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Crack on a stick

An incredibly underrated controller player whose aim is so good and their flicks are so fast you would think they're on crack

Guy 1: Dang, this guy's pretty good at Fortnite!
Guy 2: Yeah, the young TTVer's cracked on The Sticks.

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