Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Cra-Cra?

someone who is smart asf and knows the answer to everything also known as Milena.

Someone is having trouble doing a task and then someone else suggests how to do it better. This person would be referred to as cra cra.

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Cra-Cra - meme gif

Cra-Cra meme gif

Cra-Cra - video


Cra-Cra - what is it?

When girls have texted, snapchated, facebooked, etc and have gone over the limit of acronims and use them in life TO MUCH

(this is an ad)
Dad: (thinking) I'm just going to buy this flouresent poop emoji plushy for Christmas with my interact card. No big deal my daughter will be like, "OMG LOL CRA CRA"!

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What does "Cra-Cra" mean?

A slang term for going crazy. Usally used by women who don't agree with another person's actions.

Mmmm, girl! That girl over there is going cra-cra if she thinks she can wear that dress out in public!

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Cra-Cra - what does it mean?

you know!!!

its a flitter
like a vagina

whoa my cra cra is stinky!!

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Cra-Cra - meaning

short for Totally Crazy

OMG my roommate is driving me to to cra cra

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Cra-Cra - definition

a shortened word meaning crazy; development of this word evolved from shortening the word crazy by using only the first three letters twice. works with retard also (re re) which originated from Asif!

you are sooo cra cra!

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Cra-Cra - slang


Look at Teddy's dog! He's being a bit cra cra.
Bro chill out, stop being so cra cra.

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Short for crazy.

Ahh, that party last night was cra-cra!

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used in place of any other noun in refrence to your genital area

you are a stick in a cra-cra; don't come in or you'll see my cra-cra

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