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What is Come to Jesus?

"Come To Jesus Meeting" "A time when a polite ultimatum is given, generally followed by a less polite ultimatum, then a threat or final option. This is a Texas (or southerner) definition. Usually followed by a parental spanking if issues to a child or an ass kicking if mentioned by a Texan. Other uses include interventions and family/business meetings.

Sir, this is your only option and if you do not want to do this, then you can come down here and we will have a "come to Jesus meeting".

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Come to Jesus - video


Come to Jesus - what is it?

An epiphany in which one realizes the truth of a matter; a sudden, intuitive perception of or insight into the reality or essential meaning of something; coming clean and admitting failures; realizing the true weight or impact of a negative situation or fact; acknowledgment that one must get back to core values; moment of realization; an aha moment; moment of decision; moment of truth; critical moment; moment of reassessment of priorities; turning point; life-changing moment.

(alt.: "come-to-jesus moment")

β€œβ€˜We had a real scare, a real come-to-Jesus moment. It was a time to figure out what we were about, where our priorities were. And there was no question. What we didn't realize is how we’d let our work overwhelm our family . . .”— Peer Marriage: How Love Between Equals Really Works by P. Schwartz, page 143 (1994)

”When I hear someone refer to a come-to-Jesus encounter/talk/experience, they're usually referring to a moment of truth that is difficult and harrowing for all who experience it.”—Telegraph-Herald (Dubuque, Iowa), 18 February, 2006

β€œMy feeling is at a certain point we're going to have a 'come-to-Jesus' moment in the caucus and talk about whether you fund (the war) or not," said Rep. Jim McDermott, D-Wash.”—AP Online, 17 April, 2007

β€œKoonce got into teaching after he was in a severe car accident about five years ago. The wreck caused him to reassess his priorities. β€˜It was kind of a come-to-Jesus moment,’ he says. β€˜I started thinking about what was really important to me and a way for me to give back.’”— The Greater Baton Rouge Business Report (Louisiana), 18 November, 2008

β€œAs important as the Massachusetts special election was to the health-care debate, it also represents a come-to-Jesus moment for the GOP. What kind of party will it be?”—Washington Post, 20 January, 2010

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What does "Come to Jesus" mean?

A serious talk between two or more people where the person's performance, or attitude, or involvement in the work (or in the relationship) is in need of improving. The talk is meant to save the soul of the receiver so that he or she makes a full change for the better. Often between a person of authority and the subordinates (teacher-student; coach-team), and often uses emotional arguments to get the person to change.

Our professor gave us that come to Jesus talk today. He said we were performing poorly, lacked the right drive to complete the task. He said that he was working hard, trying to make good lesson plans but we were just lazy. The worst part was when he said that he felt that he wasn't a good teacher because we clearly didn't respect him as a teacher.

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Come to Jesus - what does it mean?

you better ask jesus to save you right now before you are killed, usually by one of your parents

father:(to a boy messing around with his daughter)
what were you doing to my baby girl? you better get your life straight boy because we're gonna have a come to jesus talk.

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Come to Jesus - meaning

v. To acquire Christianity as one's religion

"Yeah, Christina was such a sinner 'til she came to Jesus."

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Come to Jesus - definition

When a person masturbates in front of a picture of jesus.

"Where'd Billy go?"
"I just saw him walking into the bathroom with a joho book, guess he's gonna come to jesus."

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Come to Jesus - slang

Command usually shouted from the pulpit at an evangelical Christian revival.

"Those who are sinners and want to be saved, Come to Jesus! He will save you, just Come to Jesus!"

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Come to Jesus

Used in the film "Flight of the Intruder" in the court-martial scene. To not necessarily use religion and tell the truth. Repentance, but without religious overtone.

from "Flight of the Imtruder":

"I hope you realize that now is the time to come to Jesus." Meaning that if the aircrew being court-martialed spilled their guts off the record before the proceeding started, they might stand a better chance of a favorable opinion. Could somewhat be compared to plea bargaining.

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Come to Jesus

Originally an emotional experience that is life changing, it has evolved to mean a serious argument, one that better result in a change of action or else.

My husband and I are going to have a "come to jesus" over this remodeling job.
I'm going to have a "come to jesus" with that kid about his drinking and partying.

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Come to Jesus

Getting called on the carpet, dressed down, or otherwise chewed out in a severe manner. Usually used in conjunction with "meetin'" (meeting)

He was late one too many times, so the old man dragged him in the office for a "come to jesus meetin'".

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