Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Koonce?

A motherfucking badass who’s black and is best friends with your mom. He’ll kill everyone in sight

Carter: Let me see your phone
John: give it back or ima go Kaptain Koonce on your ass bitch!

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Koonce - meme gif

Koonce meme gif

Koonce - video


Koonce - what is it?

To screw it up so badly, so often, that you have to completely abort mission, and you’re known among your peers for doing so.

β€œJust screwed over the whole project”
β€œTotal Koonce Move bruh”

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What does "Koonce" mean?

A fat prick

Don't be a Koonce

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Koonce - what does it mean?

noun, a regional slang term used in the lower Midwest of the USA, for a corrupt police officer. Origin: A police corruption scandal in the 1970s, taken from the last name of one of the convicted officers, Carl E. Koonce.

Pronounced koon-see

I thought they'd charge me with drunk driving, but that koonce cop just took $50.

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