Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Cimon?

Cimone is a girl that is very outgoing and also could be very arrogant at times . She’s blunt and doesn’t bite her tongue to say anything that comes to her mind . Cimone is very sweet and also very loving but can get really evil and disrespectful at times but only if you give her a reason to. Cimone is very much that b*tch don’t play around with Cimone !


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Cimon - meme gif

Cimon meme gif

Cimon - video


Cimon - what is it?

cimone is a bad bitch and dont need no man,shes a short pretty brownskin girl with curly hair and is goofy and smart

cimone is a baddie

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What does "Cimon" mean?

She’s a really pretty girl. Usually get hurt a lot no matter how good she treats a mfk she gets done wrong. She broken to a point of no turning back.

I would never leave you Cimone.

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Cimon - what does it mean?

Acting really sketchy, like taking sketchyness to a whole new level.

Associated with drug use and sale.

"Dude Kyle pulled a Ben Cimons today! He cut up some green right in the middle of a sandwich shop!"

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Cimon - meaning

Cimone is a pretty girl(no lies). Ussualy blond with blue eyes.
She may be dumb at moments but her charm makes it fine. Every one loves Cimones.

PS don't mess with Cimones

Wow your so cimone

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Cimon - definition

racist, political boy that likes to create arguments for fun. Only because he needs to release anger elsewhere since Cimons are generally still stuck in the closet. Even though they're generally stuck in the closet we still love them for who they are. Cimons are usually a great person to hang out with especially on a night out, great style and hair.

-woah whose that guy with the great hair.

-thats fucking Cimon!

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Cimon - slang

Cimon is a legenary variation of the name β€˜Simon’. Cimons tend to be much nicer and far superior to those of the S variety.

Hey man did you talk to Cimon today?
Yes i did and he is the best ever!

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