Definder - what does the word mean?

What is ChickenFuck?

The goo on raw chicken that sat outside for three days in Raymond Washington and gets on your hands while shark fishing

*Jack and hunter run back to the ocean to see if Jerrett’s dead*
Jerrett: I got chickenfuck on my hands!!

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ChickenFuck - meme gif

ChickenFuck meme gif

ChickenFuck - video


ChickenFuck - what is it?

1) A juggalo
2) Any ugly, trashy, dirty, stinky, ignorant, stupid, trailer trashy person who looks like a juggalo.

-Hey look! It's chickenfucker John!
-Eww he even smells like a chickenfucker!

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What does "ChickenFuck" mean?

An exclamation of approval. Often is used prior to the word "nice" or "noice"

#1 Dude I fucked that bitch last night!!
#2 DUDE!! Chikenfuck!!!

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ChickenFuck - what does it mean?

Noun: A person who asked to have a taste of a drink but ends up gulping it down.

Guy: Hey can I have a suckle of your drink?

The Dude: Yeah, man. But just a taste.

*Guy chugs drink*

The Dude: Hey chickenfucker! gimme back my drink, man.

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ChickenFuck - meaning

Not an unclefucker.

Woody was the biggest chickenfucker around.

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ChickenFuck - definition

When one who is partaking in sexual intecouse begins to think what they are doing is wrong or inviolation of their moral fiber cries, walks out, runs away, etc., or any combination of such actions.

A chickenfucker is the individual who is afraid of what they and their partner are doing.

That chickenfucker ran away crying after he spent two months trying to get her bend over for him.

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ChickenFuck - slang

1. A dumbass, jackass, idiot and a moron.

2. Someone who loves to fuck chickens.

Frequently used and mastered by the policemen in the movie Super Troopers.

Often used by the BEST computer Sales Team here in the U.S.

Hey you Chickenfucker!

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1) n. Your fucking kidding me.
2) n. WTF 'what the fuck'
2) n. A state of confusion or dismay.
* Used only by itself in a sentence.

Dumbass 1) I stuck my hand in the Toaster.
Tom 2) ChickenFuck!?

Girl 1) I think I'm pregnant.
Guy 2) ChickenFuck!?

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