Definder - what does the word mean?

What is shark fishing?

To fish for Tweakers using a bait consisting of items that a tweaker might geek out on.

We went pilfer shark fishing at the compound with a bag of random felonious items. We also used cell phones tossed randomly for chum bait.

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shark fishing - video


Shark fishing - what is it?

Shark fishing: wanting to fuck with enormous emotion.

Person 1: id go shark fishing for you

Person 2: oh my god let's go fuck me now

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What does "shark fishing" mean?

When a girl ONLY goes after guys with girlfriends.

"I really want to go shark fishing soon."

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Shark fishing - what does it mean?

When a girl ONLY goes after guys with girlfriends.

"I really want to go shark fishing soon."

👍37 👎15