Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Catanic?

A pun used to describe the lengthy nature of a game of the popular board game, "Settlers of Catan".

"Please don't make us play another round of "Prisoners of Catan"! It takes so long to play!"

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Catanic - meme gif

Catanic meme gif

Catanic - video


Catanic - what is it?

Catanic Panic is an experimental musical band practicing the aesthetic principles of art and science.

Catanic kah-tan-ick serial behavior involving cats and the role playing of their physical attributes

also called: "Catanic Worship" - merchant which includes the sale of Catanic Panic novelties, mp3's and CD's

ex: Catanic Panic is a band "Emerging from the RP (Role Play) dominion Alexis Pena Goco adopted the name Catanic as a reference to an insatiable desire to emulate cats which was bred from his fixations earlier in life to wear dark clothing and ravenous locked hairstyles while bewildered by the after shock of the 1960's/70's during the 1980's when his formative times were spent reclusive and absorbed into the alternative styles of art, music and clothing..."

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What does "Catanic" mean?

When you use game pieces to strangle a player in Settlers of Catan who repeatedly makes dick-moves and sassy in-game remarks.

If you don’t shut the fuck up I will come over there and catan strangle you until you stop breathing!

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Catanic - what does it mean?

A boardgame invented in the grand country of Germany. 3-6 players battle for control of the Island of Catan by trading resources and building roads and cities. The winner is declared the Master of Catan by the defeated.

Matt's hands shake when he is about win when playing Settlers of Catan.

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Catanic - meaning

A gathering in which The Settlers of Catan is played for 24 hours straight.

That Catan-a-thon last week was crunk!

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Catanic - definition

This is an Indian - South African word for describing a mini party, this likely happens when you go out one night and land up partying it up unexpectedly. Must commonly known as it's abbreviation "CJ".

Example 1:

Dude 1: "Eeey men, what kind? You keen for a CJ?"

Dude 2: "What do you mean man?"

Dude 1: "Lets head to the strip club for a drink or 2."

Example 2:

"Wow that was a massive catan jalang last night. We landed up drinking a whole 4 pack of beers then proceeded to chug them down with shots of jaagermeister."

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Catanic - slang

A rash on a board gamers butt that just won’t go away

The catan that settled on his buttocks was very difficult for the doctor to cure.

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Code word for sexual activities.

Let's go play some catan tonight.

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The act of playing the board game catan.

Me and my bros spent the whole night cataning.

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The popluar German turn-based strategy game, in which you collect and trade resources in order to build and expand your settlements.

"Yo, Schmear wanna plat Catan tonight instead of going to homecoming?"

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