Definder - what does the word mean?


A bowling tournament held by all the school districts in Ohio annually. It is most notably played between Centerville school district and Blue Valley school district. The winner gets the Edward R. Crankshaft memorial trophy. The trophy travels from year to year depending on who won it last. Centerville has won it the most times.

Ed: (jumping up and down in excitement) We won again! The Crankshaft Bowl is ours!! Take that Blue Valley schools!!

Roger: (running back and forth down the bowling lanes screaming) Centerville rocks! Centerville rocks!!

Elmer: (gets a real stern look on his face) Roger, shut up! So we won, big deal! I don't want to hear another word about it you hear me?

Roger: (is hurt by the sterness of Elmer's voice, begins to cry) I'm sorry, I just got excited.

Max: (really mad, blue steam coming out of his ears) You won't be so lucky next time, Crankshaft! Next time, Blue Valley is taking that trophy back to Ashtabula.

Ed: Easy, you'll win it someday, trust me. Just don't get so excited over it.

Steve: Yeah, take it easy. This is the Crankshaft Bowl. You're supposed to have fun with it.

Ed: (holding the trophy like a dumbell, crunching his bicep) Sweet victory! Burgandy and gold rule and navy and powder blue drool! (sets the trophy down and pumps his fist in the air three times)

👍29 👎13

CRANKSHAFT - meme gif




CRANKSHAFT - what is it?

When a male dips his penis in egg, covers it in cocaine and then violently sticks it in his lovers unsuspecting anus

Man that Colombian crankshaft I did last night was amazing

👍33 👎17

What does "CRANKSHAFT" mean?

When you get the shaft a penis very crusty and blistered; the goal is to have a really rough surface area to allow for a painful experience. Then crank your shaft by rubbing and pulling the skin of the penis to irritate it to the point of bleeding with open wounds. Let the blood dry to a dark red color to give it a rusty appearance. Proceed to continuously crank your shaft.

I really want to give myself a rusty crankshaft tonight.

Can you show me what a rusty crankshaft is?

👍25 👎11

CRANKSHAFT - what does it mean?

When an old man blows his load in a girls face and all that comes out is dust;therefore pissing the girl off

The girl was pissed at the old mans dusty crankshaft when he blew his load.

👍35 👎15

CRANKSHAFT - meaning

a word formerly defining the sex move where you take a girl and put her on her head with her backside facing toward you. You proceed to screw her up the ass. At this point in time, you shove a funnel in the vagina and proceed to pour a quart of motor oil down it. After the motor oil can is empty, and your about to blow your load, you remove the funnel and spew in the vagina. Next you use your fingers like a dipstick and mix up the mixture in a "cranking" motion. Enjoy!

This version only allows the female to enjoy once, so the working definition had to be changed...see above

👍47 👎111

CRANKSHAFT - definition

A heterosexual "sex move/position" similar to 69 except where the male, on the bottom, normally would eat out the pussy of the female, he instead inserts an eggbeater(wire wisk) into the pussy and proceeds to crank it to the delight of his partner.

Alan tried this great new move on his gf. He called it the "crankshaft."

👍51 👎75


YEAH that's right CRANKSHAFT!!
Someone who's being a real duche.
Someone who's getiing really annoying.

"You're being a real CRANKSHAFT man!"
"Oh man, here comes CRANKSHAFT."or..
"Hey man,let's ditch CRANKSHAFT over there."

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The answer that one gives when asked a question that one either does not know or simply does not want to give an answer to. This response hails from the 'Churchill' car insurance advert in which their mascot dog (Named Churchill) is being asked questions. He gives the answer "CRANKSHAFT" before the lady asking the question has finished speaking.

Example 1:
A: "Do any of you know where my keys are?"

Example 2:
A: "What should I do in the event of a fire?"

👍43 👎41


When a women gives her man a handjob using motor oil as the lubricant.

She crankshafted me at Jiffy Lube and now my dick is stained dark brown.

👍61 👎47


An important part of an Internal Combustion Engine. It serves the biggest role of an engine, converting Linear motion to Rotary motion. It takes the piston's up-and-down motion, pushing the connecting rod therefore turning the crankshaft. It contains counter-weights to balance the crankshaft so to reduce noise and vibration. It is also connected to the camshaft for timing purposes via a timing belt.

The crankshaft must turn without friction, therefore it has bearings on the case and bearings around the connecting rod. Oil must be supplied, in fact the crankshaft sits in the oil pan. There must be little play, but lateral play occurs, see Crankwalk.

On Manual Transmissions, the wheel with teeth at the end of the crankshaft is called the Flywheel. On Automatic Transmissions, it is called a Flex Plate.

My crankshaft is experiencing crankwalk!

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