Definder - what does the word mean?


A liar and a snitch. A Canales will suck up to the people who she thinks will get her places and will lie and snitch on all others. She will step on whoever she needs to and brown nose to whoever she needs to to get what she wants. She is a slut with lots of kinds and different "baby daddys". She is nice to everyone to their face but talks shit behind their backs. She will have sex with anyone who can give her a job promotion. She has Chancroids, Chlamydia, Cytomegalovirus (CMV) Genital Warts, Gonorrhea, Hepatitis B, Herpes, AIDS, Human Papillomavirus (HPV), Intestinal Parasites, Molluscum Contagiosum, Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID), Pubic Lice (Crabs), Scabies, Syphilis, and Trichomoniasis (Trich). Everyone that she works with wants to beat the shit out of her, feed her poop, cinderblock her feet and leave her at the bottom of the ocean.

"Dude did you hear about all the STD's going around in the neighborhood?"
"Yeah, Canales slept with a bunch of people, lied and told the news that they all had sex wiht hookers"

👍43 👎77

CANALIZATIon - meme gif

CANALIZATIon meme gif

CANALIZATIon - video


CANALIZATIon - what is it?

n. canale (can-AL-e)
1. a steryotype geek
2. a person who regurlarly writes in "1337" and thinks they have
amazing computer skillz
3. a person who flaunts money with fancy electronics.
1. to rip a test from a teacher's computer (inf)
2. to flaunt electronics and acts suprised when they are stolen

examples: 1. that poor child has a pocket protector and square
glasses. what a canale. 2. that stupid canale thinks guessing some
guys password qualifies as hacking. 3. that canale has got a
barometer on his watch!! 4. that kid canale'd and got us an all-essay exam!!!

👍45 👎37

What does "CANALIZATIon" mean?

A sissy, wus, pussy, lacking spine, no guts, femmy

He flaked again, took her to some girl flick, then shopping Saturday, wouldn't even stop for a forty--what a canal!

👍77 👎69

CANALIZATIon - what does it mean?

Canaling is when you're getting a blozzer (blow job) and you eat her/his ass. Or stick a digit up. Similar to 69 but ass play heavy

Mary was on her period but we still wanted to play so we went canaling and it was amazing I cem quickly

👍25 👎11

CANALIZATIon - meaning

To do anal with someone cosplaying camel

Nacho loves a good spot of canale if you will.

👍25 👎11

CANALIZATIon - definition

Sitting on the toliet and thinking about life

Person 1: "What are you doing man?"
Person 2: "I'm canalizing right now"

👍37 👎13

CANALIZATIon - slang

Casual anal sex between two unfamiliar partners

That girl is always good for some canal.

👍167 👎55


Canales is such a beautiful last name that any Hispanic person could have. This person is so so so smart and loyal but stubborn at times, but over all is an amazing person!!

Mr/Mrs Canales is such a hard working person.

👍51 👎13


to be fucked inbetween the breasts, the cum then runs down into her mouth. (like a canal)

yeah man i canaled her last night

👍173 👎33


The soft spot between a girls thighs where a guy can rest his boner at night.

Chad 's boner was tired so he placed it in Keirsten's canal and filled it up with a river of semen.

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