Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Buttsniff?

A horny individual obsessed with the act of whiffing any butthole within proximity.

“Look at that buttsniffer whiffin up those gypsies

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Buttsniff - meme gif

Buttsniff meme gif

Buttsniff - video


Buttsniff - what is it?

A sexual act were the male separates the womens ass checks and forcefully crams his nose all the way in and repeatedly blows his nose and shakes his head back and forth then repeats the same act with his tongue.

A fan of Matthew McConaughey.

Jaques: What did you do last night?

Susan: I gave your Mom a Javier Buttsniffer

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What does "Buttsniff" mean?

nasty person

you are such a buttsniffer

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Buttsniff - what does it mean?

It is a person that sniffs butts or is just being straight up rude.

Person 1- That dude is a buttsniffer!!
Person 2- Yeah.. He's sniffing butts...

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Buttsniff - meaning

Someone or people who like to sniff butts.

Person #1: Let me sniff dat ass real quick.
Person #2: Nah you a crazy buttsniffer yo!

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Buttsniff - definition

Someone that is gay and annoying. So annoying that the only thing you can see them doing right, is sniffing a butt.

"Dude, Alex, stop being such a buttsniffer and give me back my Chex-mix!"

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Buttsniff - slang

a word to yell at someone that would fall under the catagory as ugly, gross, etc.

Hey, Buttsniff i don't like you!!!!!!!

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a person who sniffs butt.. (someone like a dog)

You freakin' buttsniff, don't call me that!

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One who enjoys waiting around to smell a fresh fart that his friend cut. Then acts suprised that it stinks.

Owen is a total buttsniffer. He did not leave right away after Jon ripped one.

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